I'm Laurie Stanbridge, and I'm the host for Insomnia Radio: New Zealand, the new addition to the ever growing IR family of regional and international shows. Insomnia Radio: NZ will feature music from all around New Zealand and Australian artists, focusing on independent solo-artists, musicians, and bands.
If you are a New Zealand or Australian artist, please submitt and send your music my way via the Indie Music Project website or e-mail me questions or comments at [email protected] . I will be listening to each and every submission and featuring my favorites on the show.
Insomnia Radio is a pioneer in the indie music podcasting scene and has helped numerous bands already in terms of publicity and records sales. Numerous people will be tuning in from other countries, so let's show the US and the rest of the world what Insomnia Radio: New Zealand is all about!!
The New Feed for Insomnia Radio: New Zealand is now live!!
To Subscribe, please copy and paste the following link http://feeds.feedburner.com/irnewzealandinto the iTunes subscription drop-down or any other podcast subcription player also
please note you don't need a stupid iPod to enjoy my show!!
Also all New Zealand and Australian Bands, Musicians, Promotion Companys and Indie Record Companys please don't forget to add yourself on my Official INSOMNIA RADIO: NEW ZEALAND MySpace of www.myspace.com/irnewzealand and also my new VIRB.com site www.virb.com/irnewzealand .
Also My Main Website is now working; http://newzealand.insomniaradio.net
Yours truly, Laurie
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