Je suis un relais d'information virtuel !
Les personnes que je mets en avant sur mes pages,
ne sont pas des amis dans ma vie, on ne se connaît pas !
Ce sont des artistes que je respecte
auxquels j'apporte tout ce que je peux ici
parce qu'ils semblent être dans le même
état d'esprit que moi !
Nourris d'une clairvoyance
qui ne nous permet pas
de baisser les bras !Je tenais à préciser ceci de façon
à ce qu'on ne me pose plus
certaines questions !
Je suis libre, j'ai créé cet
univers ici comme d'autres
on envie d'écrire des livres
faire un album
un film...
Je vis cela exactement de cette façon !
Avec la chance inouïe d'avoir
beaucoup de temps libre !
Et aucune pression du fait
d'aucun bizzness
derrière tout ça !
Et il y en aura jamais !
Ce que je fais ici est inestimable !
A bon entendeur...PEACESiwa
http://www. myspace. com/8earthislife8
http://www. myspace. com/antonenzo
http://www. myspace. com/dagraffconnexion
http://www. myspace. com/wildstylerepresent
http://www. myspace. com/dagokuclan
http://www. myspace. com/duperenoel
http://www. myspace. com/donnyhathawayhommage2008
http://www. myspace. com/otisreddingforneverforgethim
http://www. myspace. com/thetheorie
http://www. myspace. com/siwa78
http://www. myspace. com/siwa974
http://www. myspace. com/intersideralspace
http://www. myspace. com/loveismyengine
http://www. myspace. com/pourmichelserrault
http://www. myspace. com/dabombconnexion
http://www. myspace. com/pazandlove
http://www. myspace. com/henrydthoreau
http://www. myspace. com/privatespacesiwa
http://www. myspace. com/lesamisdejackdaniels
http://www. myspace. com/marie_j2008
http://www. facebook. com/profile. php?id=661845127
Il faut s'endurcir, sans jamais se départir de sa tendresse.
(Ernesto "Che" Guevara)
Vis comme si tu devais mourir demain. Apprends comme si tu devais vivre toujours. (Gandhi)
La loi de l'amour se montre plus efficace que ne l'a jamais été la loi de la destruction. (Gandhi)
Network - Mad as Hell
envoyé par LesInsoumis
Un scorpion ascendant DRAGON
Une éducation sans aucune frontière raciale, religieuse, géographique et artistique !!!
L'amour est la seule force qui puisse transformer un homme en un être extraordinaire !!!
- Pour aller au bout du plaisir, il faut aimer plus que le plaisir ! (Maurice Chapelan)
- Une conscience troublée par les désirs ne peut se libérer et une sagesse troublée par l'ignorance ne peut se développer.
- Le monde est tout petit lorsque l'amour est grand !
(Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer)
- La vraie générosité envers l’avenir consiste à tout donner au présent. (Albert Camus)
- Il ne faut pas se plaindre que le monde manque d'amour, si on ne le sème pas un peu autour de nous tous les jours !!!
A tous les repas pris en commun, nous invitons la liberté à s'asseoir. La place demeure vide, mais le couvert reste mis. (René Char)
- Heureux soient les fêlés car ils laisseront passer la lumière !!! (Michel Audiard)
Un film documentaire de Gilles de Maistre
L'éblouissante histoire vraie du tout premier cri de la vie, celui que l'on pousse quand on naît et qui scelle notre venue au monde. La naissance sur grand écran à l'échelle de la planète. Contraste des terres, contraste des peuples, contraste des cultures pour le plus beau et le plus insolite des voyages. Dans un intervalle de 24 h sur la Terre, le destin de plusieurs personnages se croise dans un moment unique et universel : la mise au monde d'un enfant.Avec ses personnages réels, ce film retrace l'instant magique des premiers balbutiements de la vie et explore les univers de la naissance, aussi variés que nous sommes différents.
Vous pourrez déja vous y inscrire et avoir accés aux nouveaux forums qui nous l'espérons nous permettra à tous d'avoir des échanges constructifs et emplis
d'une volonté forte de changement.
Nous vous y attendons nombreux et n'hésitez pas à proposer vos compétences car toutes les energies sont les bienvenues pour un projet de cette envergure.
La résistance passe par la connaissance, c'est pourquoi nous nous efforcerons de mettre en lumière les rouages du nouvel ordre mondial, afin que chacun puisse prendre conscience de l'ampleur de la manipulation dont nous nous rendons complices chaque jour en nourrissant un système qui nous affame.
Les vraies informations ne sont plus transmises par les médias, nous ferons donc tout le nécessaire pour que la vérité ait encore sa place en ce monde.
Les Insoumis
62, Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg
75007 PARIS
Tél: 01 53 59 72 72
7, rue Saint-Florentin
75008 PARIS
Tél : 01 55 35 24 24
Fax : 01 55 35 24 25
11 rue Saint-Georges
75009 PARIS.
This Hiphop Declaration of Peace guides Hiphop Kulture
toward freedom from violence, and establishes advice and
protection for the existence and development of the
international Hiphop community. Through the principles of
this Hiphop Declaration of Peace we, Hiphop Kulture,
establish a foundation of Health, Love, Awareness, Wealth,
peace and prosperity for ourselves, our children and their
children's children, forever. For the clarification of
Hiphop's meaning and purpose, or when the intention of
Hiphop is questioned, or when disputes between parties
arise concerning Hiphop; Hiphoppas shall have access to
the advice of this document, The Hiphop Declaration of
Peace, as guidance, advice and protection.
Hiphop (Hip..Hop) is a term that describes our independent
collective consciousness. Ever growing,
it is commonly expressed through such elements
as Breakin, Emceein, Graffiti Art, Deejayin,
Beatboxin, Street Fashion, Street Language, Street
Knowledge and Street Entrepreneurialism. Wherever and
whenever these and future elements and expressions of
Hiphop Kulture manifest; this Hiphop Declaration of Peace
shall advise the use and interpretation of such elements,
expressions and lifestyle.
Hiphop Kulture respects the dignity and sanctity of life
without discrimination or prejudice. Hiphoppas shall
thoroughly consider the protection and the development of
life, over and before the individual decision to destroy
or seek to alter its natural development.
Hiphop Kulture respects the Laws and agreements of its
culture, its country, its institutions and whomever it
does business with. Hiphop does not irresponsibly break
Laws and commitments.
Hiphop is a term that describes our independent collective
consciousness. As a conscious way of life, we acknowledge
our influence on society, especially on children; and we
shall forever keep the rights and welfare of both in mind.
Hiphop Kulture encourages womanhood, manhood, sisterhood,
brotherhood, childhood and family. We are conscious not to
bring any intentional disrespect that jeopardizes the
dignity and reputation of our children, elders and
The ability to define, defend and educate ourselves is
encouraged, developed, preserved, protected and promoted
as a means toward peace and prosperity, and toward the
protection and the development of our self-worth.
Through knowledge of purpose and the development of our
natural and learned skills, Hiphoppas are encouraged to
always present their best work and ideas.
Hiphop Kulture honors no relationship, person, event, act
or otherwise wherein the preservation and further
development of Hiphop's culture, principles and elements
are not considered or respected. Hiphop Kulture does not
participate in activities that clearly destroy or alter
its ability to productively and peacefully exist.
Hiphoppas are encouraged to initiate and participate in
fair trade and honesty in all negotiations and transactions.
The essence of Hiphop is beyond entertainment:
The elements of Hiphop Kulture may be traded for money,
honor, power, respect, food, shelter, information and
other resources; however, Hiphop and its culture cannot
be bought, nor is it for sale. It (Hiphop) cannot be
transferred or exchanged by or to anyone for any
compensation at any time or at any place. Hiphop is not
a product. Hiphop is the priceless principle of our
Companies, corporations, non and not-for-profit
organizations, as well as individuals and groups that are
clearly benefiting from the use, interpretation and/or
exploitation of the term Hiphop, (i.e. Hip Hop, hip-hop,)
and the expressions and terminologies of Hiphop,
(i.e. Hip Hop, hip-hop,) are encouraged to commission
and/or employ a full-time or part-time certified Hiphop
Kultural Specialist to interpret and answer sensitive
cultural questions regarding the principles and proper
presentations of Hiphop’s elements and culture;
relative to businesses, individuals, organizations,
communities, cities, as well as other countries.
May 3rd is Rap Music Day. Hiphoppas are encouraged to
dedicate their own time and talent to self-development
and for service to their communities. Every third week in
May is Hiphop Appreciation Week. During this time,
Hiphoppas are encouraged to honor their ancestors, reflect
upon their cultural contributions and appreciate the
elements and principles of Hiphop Kulture. November is
Hiphop History Month. During this time Hiphoppas are
encouraged to participate in the creating, learning and
honoring of Hiphop's history and historical cultural
Hiphoppas are encouraged to build meaningful and lasting
relationships that rest upon Love, trust, equality and
respect. Hiphoppas are encouraged not to cheat, abuse, or
deceive their friends.
The Hiphop community exists as an international culture of
consciousness that provides all races, tribes, religions
and styles of people a foundation for the communication of
their best ideas and works. Hiphop Kulture is united as
one multi-skilled, multi-cultural, multi-faith;
multi-racial people committed to the establishment and
the development of peace.
Hiphop Kulture does not intentionally or voluntarily
participate in any form of hate, deceit, prejudice or
theft at any time. At no time shall Hiphop Kulture engage
in any violent war within itself. Those who intentionally
violate the principles of this Declaration of Peace or
intentionally reject its advice, forfeit by their own
actions the protections set forth herein.
Hiphop Kulture rejects the immature impulse for
unwarranted acts of violence and always seeks diplomatic,
non-violent strategies in the settlement of all disputes.
Hiphoppas are encouraged to consider forgiveness and
understanding before any act of retaliation. War is
reserved as a final solution when there is evidence that
all other means of diplomatic negotiation have failed
Hiphoppas are encouraged to eliminate poverty, speak out
against injustice and shape a more caring society and a
more peaceful world. Hiphop Kulture supports a dialogue
and action that heals divisions in society, addresses the
legitimate concerns of humankind and advances the cause of
Hiphoppas respect and learn from the ways of Nature,
regardless of where we are on this planet. Hiphop Kulture
holds sacred our duty to contribute to our own survival
as independent, freethinking beings in and throughout the
Universe. This planet, commonly known as Earth is our
nurturing parent and Hiphoppas are encouraged to respect
Nature and all creations and inhabitants of Nature.
Hiphop's pioneers, legends, teachas, elders, and ancestors
shall not be inaccurately quoted, misrepresented, or
disrespected at anytime. No one should profess to be a
Hiphop pioneer or legend unless they can prove with facts
and/or witnesses their credibility and contributions to
Hiphop Kulture.
Hiphoppas are encouraged to share resources. Hiphoppas
should give as freely and as often as possible. It is the
duty of every Hiphoppa to assist, whenever possible, in
the relief of human suffering and in the correction of
injustice. Hiphop is shown the highest respect when
Hiphoppas respect each other. Hiphop Kulture is preserved,
nurtured and developed when Hiphoppas preserve, nurture
and develop one another.
Hiphop Kulture maintains a healthy, caring and wealthy,
central Hiphop guild – fully aware and invested with the
power to promote, teach, interpret, modify and defend the
principles of this Hiphop Declaration of Peace.