Woody profile picture


I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying.

About Me

Well from the suggestion of Soon-Yi, I finally decided to, you know, sell out and see what the hoopla is all about with this whole internet thing. To me personally, all this with people putting some kind of web page to, uh, introduce themselves to others is kinda, you know, despondent. I mean whatever happend to people going out and meeting others face to face. What, now everybody just types a few words and expect to set a date for the wedding? It's insane! But uh, don't, you know, let me discourage you from adding me as a "friend". I, uh, don't bite. You don't have to be, you know, a fan of my work. I think it would be rather interesting to see what kind of individuals there are on this electronic monstrosity.

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My Interests

Music, Sports, Cinema, Magic


Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman (I know, mainly Jazz and dead people)


"Double Indemnity", "Shane", "Citizen Kane", "Grande Illusion", "The Bicyle Thief", "Rules of the Game", "Rashomon", "Casablanca", "Duck Soup", "A Night at the Oprea", "Animal Crackers" (okay so pretty much anything with the Marx Brothers. I mean what can I say?), anything from Bergman is mindblowing.


Sidney Bechet, Joe Louis, Groucho Marx