Humphrey Bogart profile picture

Humphrey Bogart

They spelt it IE and thats good enough for me

About Me

Im an actor and an icon. Ive always said "only thing you owe the people is a good performance." My Hollywood Walk of fame Star is located at 6322 Hollywood Blvd. I live with my wife Betty but you know her as Lauren Bacall, we live in our house in Holmbly Hills Calf. I spend my leisure time on my sailboat The Santana. My favorite cigarette brand is Chesterfields and dont forget "Your not a star till they can spell your name in Karachi." I created my profile with Myspace Layouts+

My Interests

Sailing, Chess, Golfing and enjoying a good laugh with someone over a drink and a smoke

I'd like to meet:

all of my fans throughout the many years and those who have made me cult now.


Anything with a good swing to it. Don't forget i was a late 19th century man and did most of my drinking in the Jazz Age.


I am credited with The Maltese Falcon Casablanca To Have and Have Not Treasure of the Sierra Madre African Queen Caine Mutiny and i started my own company after my twelve year contract with Warners called Santana Productions


The Jack Benny Program Humphrey Bogart Show (1953)
Producers' Showcase The Petrified Forest (1955)


Law books, mysterys, Plays and anything educational


Spencer Tracy for always being there and creating my Bogie image