Only insects will survive... profile picture

Only insects will survive...

What doesn't kill us only makes us stranger.

About Me

I have an unhealthy attraction to tragedy, and I cherish the feeling of something new. But everything grows old and worn so quickly. I've been plagued by strange recurring dreams my whole life that I hope to one day exorcise in some visual or sonic manner. I tried selling my soul several times to no avail, and I traded my first born long ago for a cigarette.
Also, I've been afraid of the Apocalypse since I was six, but I think I'm getting better now....
As a scorpio I am cursed with an endless undertow of raging emotions. I strive constantly to learn and understand, experience objectively. My perception of the world around me seems to be very skewed, so to function within society I analyze and dissect everything into the very basic patterns and habits it's made of. Form opinions and beliefs based on fact and reason.
I am very dedicated and passionate about what I do. It's not a choice I make. I am driven to create, plagued by thoughts, words, images, and sounds.
I am currently working on the debut full-length Fall Out Fracture album, several artistic video concepts, a novel or two, and a slew of short stories for possible publication. There may also be an independant film in the future.
So much time and so little to do.
Latest Artwork: The Law Of Energy
Click to enlarge
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed - it only changes form.
are to pretend with by Levi Stair

My Interests

Psychology, symbology, theology, metaphysics, shamanism, insectism, music, film, claymation, cannibalism, trepanation, psychoactive drugs, alternative history, esoteric thought and obscure ideas, digital art, photography, eastern philosophies and music, bizarre beliefs and extreme cults.
- Amygdalae -
My DEVART account

"Wisconsin [has] more ghosts per mile than any state in the nation." - Folklorist Robert Gard
- Weird Wisconsin

Some of my projects:

Mental Shed Records

Fall Out Fracture


Ed Gein

Eat people.

I'd like to meet:

Musicians, artists, filmmakers, writers.




Film is a deep passion of mine, so I could write a list here that would go on forever.


Discovery and the History channel. The brain rewards learning with the release of addictive chemicals.


I began reading Stephen King when I was ten, and I think it may have left some permanent damage. Too many other books and authors to write out here. Mainly horror and transgressional fiction, some science fiction (Aurther C. Clark and Frank Herbert) and a healthy dose of history, esoterica, and metaphysics.

My Blog

Mind Control: America's Secret War

Posted by Only insects will survive... on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:28:00 PST

Experiments in the Third Dimension

It's been awhile since I've been on, and even longer since I unveiled some strange new creation. I've been quite busy here at the hive, writing and recording the debut full-length Fall Out Fracture al...
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 01:32:00 PST

Top 9/11 Truth Videos

Posted by Only insects will survive... on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:56:00 PST

The truth about our food

BAD SEED: The Truth About Our FoodFALL OUT
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 10:52:00 PST

10 Easy Paths to Self Destruction

10. Sacrifice SleepInadequate sleep (less than 7 or 8 hours a night) has been tied to many different health problems, including obesity, diabetes and cancer. Mental fatigue is also as big of a risk fa...
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:59:00 PST

The Tale of the Windmill Boy

Taking the art of claymation to a higher level of beauty and perfection......
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:20:00 PST

The End

"But the end of all things is at hand." 1 Peter 4:7Eschatology is a theological term describing the study of the end times, or study of the last days. Its importance cannot be overstated since the foc...
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:58:00 PST

Catastrophe In Ancient History

Up until the year 701BC the catastrophies recorded in the biblical Old Testament and many other ancient texts occured in cycles, not randomly, but in specific repetative periods. Usually they are repo...
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 04:46:00 PST

Antiquities Book 1 by Flavius Josephus

Antiquities of the Jews (Book 1)by Flavius JosephusPreface1. THOSE who undertake to write histories, do not, I perceive, take that trouble on one and the same account, but for many reasons, and those ...
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 11:37:00 PST

Caduceus - Rod of Hermes - DNA

Life is about maintaining a healthy balance.Caduceus is a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it. It was an ancient astrological symbol of commerce and is associated with the Greek god Hermes,...
Posted by Only insects will survive... on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:19:00 PST