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Diana Castilleja

Romantic and Paranormal Suspense--Stories that capture your attention and don't let go. Where being

About Me

Official Bio:
With more than half a dozen ebooks currently to her credit and one book due to be released this year in print, Diana Castilleja has kept busy since she started writing professionally in late 2004.
Diana currently resides in central Texas with her husband and son. When not focusing her energy on her family and her writing, she loves to travel and haunt bookstores. She's lived in several states across the south and midwest, as well as traveling to Mexico. With moving every year or changing schools since the fourth grade to her sophomore year, she learned reading was a fast escape. The freedom to read about anything and everything has fueled her adult imagination. She also enjoys romance, horses, and yes, still loves to read. She is a proud co-owner in Sweeter Romantic Notions, as well as a member of the writing resource forum Romance Divas.
Other places to find me on the web:
Sweeter Romantic Notions
Join my Newsletter here .
Other sites:
Texas Authors of Romance Fiction
Get Myspace Layouts @ CodeMyLayout.com

My Interests

My Publishers!

I'd like to meet:

Authors, readers, fun loving people. People who like good conversation, and a great nap. Pet people. Horse lovers. Parents.

I'd love to meet some of my favorite authors--Vicki Lewis-Thompson (I met her at conference! Woot!!), Christine Feehan, Katie MacAlister, and all the Divas! LOL


I listen to just about everything, but don't own an IPOD (I know, I know). I like 80's rock, country, and hip hop, Shakira, Beyonce, Blake Shelton, and so many others, I can't even think of any of their names right now.



My Blog

Check out this video: The Eternal Kiss

Check out this video: The Eternal Kiss .. Now Available for Pre-Order! Live June15th!!! You don't want to miss this!...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Tue, 06 May 2008 06:16:00 PST

More places to find me!

I've totally forgotten to mention this but....I can now be found in more places! Weeeee!Look for me at:Fictionwise  http://www.fictionwise.com/eBooks/Diana....htmAll Romance Ebookshttp://allroman...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:36:00 PST

Release news

I've received news on my upcoming release, The Eternal Kiss, from Tease Publishing. Ebook: June 2008Print: September 2008Doesn't that rock?! I'll be in print before the end of the year! Yippeee! Chec...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:11:00 PST

I’ve been interviewed by a very special person

The person who interviewed me is actually my Mentee in the Romance Divas Mentorship program. She made me sound pretty darned good, actually. :) Lucky she’s doing the interview before the program...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 06:13:00 PST

Excerpt - The Eternal Kiss

Honestly, I’m just bored and don’t have much to do at the moment. This book is on the release roster at Tease Publishing. I’ll be uploading the book trailer for it soon as I can, but...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 06:22:00 PST

Books, books, and more books!

Okay, so I’m suppose to not be spending money on books. Note the "suppose to not to". Yeah, I have no willpower. I spent almost $30 yesterday on more paperbacks. I have a ton of books to be read...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 05:48:00 PST

Review : Runner’s Moon - Jeberal

One survivor of thirty one. A race unlike anything on earth, yet able to shapeshift to look human with the rise and fall of the moon and sun for protect themselves from detection. They are Ruinos.A ra...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 06:52:00 PST

Review: Runners Moon - Simolif

Sarah Drumman loves the stars. She loves the wonder of the unknown, of the possibility of what could be out there. The possibility that more than us exists is one of her driving passions. In fact, she...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 12:23:00 PST

I have news!

Great news! Huge flipping "It’s Monday and I need good news!" news! LOL I’m excited to say this.... My vampires that have been out of circulation for almost a year now, have a new home...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 06:32:00 PST

3 ways to win - Jordan Dane

3 Ways to Win ContestHarperCollins has graciously offered a wonderful incentive to promote thedebut of my suspense novel NO ONE HEARD HER SCREAM, upcoming release March25th. By going to my website con...
Posted by Diana Castilleja on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:17:00 PST