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Marco Calì

Marco Calì®, bass player and vocalist

About Me

Picture Comments Online Flash Games MySpace Graphics MySpace Layouts Poll GeneratorNasco l'11 Luglio del '79 a Palermo. Cresciuto tra i campi di una borgata di periferia, in una famiglia sempre stretta da difficoltà economiche, non ho mai avuto la possibilità di essere seguito da un insegnante o di seguire dei corsi di musica. Da circa otto anni mi trastullo con il basso elettrico, le mie corde vocali, qualche armonica cromatica (sulla diatonica ci sto ancora lavorando...), uno sparuto set di percussioni e qualche altro strumentino. Fra numerose session e decine di formazioni fra le più svariate ho coltivato il mio bisogno di musica, passando da un genere all'altro, fra rock, elettronica, ethno-ambient, reggae, funk e qualcosa di vagamente simile al jazz, oltre a numerose "sperimentazioni" assieme a compositori e strumentisti illuminati. Ai primi del 2005, su idea della vocalist Elisa Zummo (nonchè mia amata compagna), nascono i Cartoonia, unica band siciliana a riproporre le sigle dei cartoni giapponesi più amate del periodo '70-'90: nonostante la sostanza "frivola" del repertorio, i Cartoonia si distinguono per l'elevato profilo tecnico, l'esplosiva presenza scenica e la capacità di saper rendere in modo incisivo tutte le sfumature emotive di quella che, per la mia ed altre generazioni, è stata la colonna sonora dell'infanzia e della prima adolescenza. Da 2 anni intratteniamo e divertiamo pubblici d'ogni tipo in molte provincie siciliane (cosa c'è di male, in fondo, a tornare bambini per un paio d'ore?): dai più attempati ex-bambini (30-40enni) viene sempre la risposta maggiore in termini di consenso! Nel 2006, sempre da un'idea della brava Elisa, si sono formati i primi Baghdad Cafè, con Lei alla voce, me al basso e ai cori, Davide Rinella (ex-Babbaloux) alla chitarra e all'armonica e Davide Rizzuto alla batteria. Siamo andati in scena un paio di volte con questa formazione, e da subito è stato successo: la riproposizione di un repertorio internazionale, che tocca i contesti musicali più svariati, in chiave smooth-soft-rock acustica, è piaciuta parecchio. Ma dopo l'uscita di Davide Rizzuto e l'ingresso di Angelo Di Mino al violoncello (eliminata del tutto quindi la batteria), e le numerose date estive ed autunnali, il contesto musicale si è decisamente spostato più su sonorità smooth jazz ed acoustic-folk rock (con una certa predominanza delle cifre espressive del jazz). L'equilibrio sonoro derivato dalla mancanza di strumenti percussivi predominanti si è risolto via via in un sound comunque sospeso e trasognato, ironico a volte, ma comunque sincero e di certo mai pretenzioso.L'estremo feeling e il dialogo naturale che si sono instaurati fra i membri dell'oramai Baghdad Cafè Quartet stanno anche iniziando a produrre frutti nella composizione di brani autografi, che spero di poter portare in scena quanto prima. Nel frattempo, il mio ruolo nel quartetto si è esteso anche a quello di occasionale armonicista, percussionista e vocalist... una sorta di one-man-band in the band. Io resto fondamentalmente un ignorante, uno che non ha studiato ma soltanto divorato musica in giro per le strade, e per questo non avanzo pretese sul mio presente; cerco solo di trovare una dimensione artistica attiva e soddisfacente nei circuiti musicali, cercando di compensare autonomamente il deficit e la privazione di istruzione musicale che le situazioni della vita mi hanno procurato. Devo moltissimo ai miei studi, alle mie giornate e alle mie notti in giro per le strade; ai miei viaggi adolescenziali di un mese con 150.000 lire in tasca alla partenza e le collette in strade e stazioni per mangiare e ricomprare il biglietto per casa; alle session per strada con i fratelli africani, spagnoli, tedeschi, scozzesi, francesi e gitani; alle poche (ma buone) persone che mi amano, ricambiate, da sempre e mi sono state accanto nei momenti più bui della mia vita; al mio adorato angelo Elisa; alla mia amata solitudine densa di pensieri ed emozioni; a tutte quelle persone straordinarie incontrate una volta soltanto ma che mi hanno lasciato qualcosa; a tutta la gente deliziosa che riesce sempre a farmi ridere e sorridere; ai miei due conigli pazzi Francis e Sisidda e al mio vecchio adorabile cagnolone Chuck; a tutti i musicisti che mi ispirano e mi hanno ispirato fin da bambino; alla mia passione per il cinema d'autore; alle storie umane con cui mi sono confrontato e che mi hanno insegnato a vivere; alla mia famiglia. ____________________________________________________________ ______I was born on July 11 1979, in Palermo. Grown into a family where money was something rare to see, I've never got the possibility to attend musical studies with a teacher. For about 8 years I've been pimping with an electric bass, my voice, some chromatic harps (I'm still studying the diatonic one...), a small set of percussions and some other strange instrument. With several sessions, bands and various projects, I've taken care of my need for music during the past years, trippin' from a kind of music to another one (various kinds of rock, of pop, of electronic, ethno-ambient, reggae, funk and something similar to jazz, a part of a series of "experiments" with enlightened composer and musician friends). At the beginnings of 2005, inspired by an idea of Elisa Zummo (singer and beloved partner to me), The Cartoonia band went to the light: Elisa Zummo (vocals), I (bass and backing-vocals), Dario Modestini (guitar), Mirko Montalbano (drums) and Paolo Inguaggiato (keyboards and backing-vocals). We repropose the classical and beloved soundtracks of the 70s/80s/90s japanese cartoons; everyone of my generation, here in Italy, has grown up with these songs! Despite of its "children"-oriented-songs content, this band has distinguished because of its unicity in Sicily and because of the high-average profile of its musicians and their explosive live performances. Since 2 years we've been entertaining and amusing every kind of audience all over Sicily (what's wrong if everyone wants to return back a child again during those two hours?). In 2006, still by an Elisa's idea, the Baghdad Cafe Quartet was born, with Elisa as singer, me as bass player and co-vocalist, Davide Rinella as acoustic guitar and harmonica player and Davide Rizzuto as drummer. The idea was to re-arrange songs from many different styles and genres into revolutioned, emotional, acoustic soft-rock covers; just a sort of total re-invention of famous songs as if they were ours.Yet with this line-up we have been appreciated and considered very original by the most of the spectators of our early concerts, but, after the drum has been substituted by the cello of Angelo Di Mino, the sound has turned quite more smooth jazz and acoustic lounge-rock (there is, I have to say, a prevalence of jazz in the general context). The acoustical balance, derivated from the lack of prevalent percussive instruments, has developed into a sound suspended and aleatory anyway, sometimes ironic, but always authentic and never pretencious. The great natural feeling amongst the members of the Baghdad Cafè Quartet (this the new band's name) is starting now to give results in terms of composition of new, unedited songs I hope to bring on stage as soon. Recently, mi role in the quartet has evolved as well into occasional vocalist, percussionist and harmonica player... a sort of one-man-band in the band. I remain essentially an ignorant, one who hasn't studied music but only devoured it on the road, that's why I don't pretend nothing about my present time; I only try to struggle as I can to get a future of my own into the World of Music, trying to overcome by myself the lacks in musical education and the difficulties Life's fortunes gave me. I owe a lot to my studies, to my days and nights on the road, to my adolescential journeys with 150.000 lire in my pockets on departure and many street-sessions on the road to collect money to eat and to return back home; to the jam sessions on the road with all the african, spanish, dutch, scottish, french and gipsy brothers I've met; to the few (but extraordinary) persons who love me and have been close to me in my worst times; to my beloved solitude full of thoughs and emotions; to my beloved angel Elisa; to all those special people I've met just once in my life but who left something strong into me; to all those awesome people who always know how to make me smile and laugh; to my incredible mad bunnies Francis and Sisidda and to my darling ol'puppy Chuck; to all those musicians who've been inspiring me since when I was a child; to my love for Great Cinema; to the human tales I've faced (they've thaught me how to live); to my family. 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My Interests


Member Since: 3/20/2007
Band Members:


Elisa Zummo: vocals
Marco Calì: bass, backing vocals
Dario Modestini: electric guitar
Giuseppe Carrubba: keyboards
Mirko Montalbano: drums

Cartoonia band is a project born from an Elisa's enlightening idea: why don't we repropose all the original 70s - 80s and 90s japanese cartoons'italian soundtracks? So, I and She began lookin'for a guitar player, a keyboards player and a drummer... After about 2 months finally we met'em and Cartoonia project started successfully: during the first year of activity we've played quite everywhere in Palermo and after then we've begun to play all over Sicily, and everytime we make people (especially those born in the 70s and in the 80s) returning children, singing and having a lot of fun with us!!! Recently, a change in the line-up of the band has taken place: Paolo Inguaggiato, our precedent keyboards player, has been substituted by Giuseppe Carrubba, a young but great musician! We received an award on August 3rd 2007 at the "Pub Italia Music Festival 2007" for the originality of our track list and for being maybe the only sicilian rock band who plays this music. We're really happy of that and just want to thanks "Viviantares" cultural association and all of our mad fans and substainers! You can find all about Cartoonia on our blog


Elisa Zummo: vocals
Angelo Di Mino: cello
Davide Rinella: acoustic guitar, harmonica & voice
Marco Calì: electric bass, vocals, harmonica. guitar & percussions

Baghdad Cafè Quartet is an acoustic ensemble that rearrange international hits in a smooth jazz/lounge & soft rock style, crossing many other influences. At moment, we're composing and producing our own music (a blend of sicilian, arabian & afro folk with smooth jazz and soul). Here u find 4 covers we propose in our concerts: Redemption Song (by "The King" Bob Marley), La Flaca (by Jarabe de Palo), Isn't She Lovely (Stevie Wonder) and Sunday Morning (by Maroon Five). We believe Music has no walls, no comparisons, no limits; it is just a continuous dialogue between people all over the world, each sharing his or her own culture with the others; just a blend, a mix of influences, different expreriences and feelings that, instead of causing a loss of identity, exaltate every single culture by makin it workin with other ones. Each rearrangement, reinterpretation of a well known song represents, for us, a personal point of view, a different sensitivity-based feeling coming from that song. This might result, we hope, interesting for someone...
One World
One Blood
One Love
One Music


Claudio Cataldi: Vocals, Acoustic guitar
Giuseppe Pitarresi: Synth Programming, Keyboards and backing vocals
Marco Calì: Electric Bass

Mossgarden is an unconventional project, created by Claudio Cataldi and Giuseppe Pitarresi, to express the maximum of sensibility and research through a mix of folk and electronics, dense of emo athmospheres. Though the project is just young, its originality has claimed attention on the scene, and the duo, before Marco Calì arrived into the line-up as bass player, has already composed a soundtrack for a documentary-film and joined several festivals and music contest, often winning them (On yesterday night, June 14th 2007, Mossgarden has won the ShowNoProfit 2007 music contest @ C.c.p. Agricantus, Palermo). You can get more info by visiting Mossgarden's MySpace .

Influences: Black Uhuru, all the Roots Music, Fela Kouti, Manu Dibango, Mori Kante, all the musicians I've met on the road, all the people who share some Love with me, the Motown productions, Omar Farouk, Desmond Dekker, Beres Hammond, My GrandPa, the eyes and the smiles of the children all over the world, King Haile Selassie, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Rev. Martin Luther King, Malcom X, Chico Mendez and all those who have fought and still are fightin' for human rights, all the time spent in solitude with myself, Miles Davis, Charles Mingus, Thelonius Monk, Charlie "Bird" Parker, Larry Graham, Weather Report, Billy Sheean, Marcus Miller, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker, John Lee Hooker, Robert Johnson, Robben Ford, Eric Clapton, Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Freak Power, The Rolling Stones, Jethro Tull, 10cc, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Peter Tosh, Burning Spear, Afrika Bambaataa, Buju Banton, Billie Holliday, Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Ma'Raney, Janis Joplin, Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix, Noel Redding, Shaggy, 99 Posse, Almamegretta, The Blues Brothers, Polo Jones, Zucchero, The Doors, Bob Dylan, Stan Getz, Joao Gilberto, Astrud Gilberto, Anton Carlos Jobim, Chico Buarque, Saturnino, Mr Big, Little Richards, Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Joe Cocker, Simon & Garfunkel, Inti-Illimani, I Cavalieri del Re, Cristina D'Avena, Manà, Graham Central Station, all the hard-rock scene of Old School Times and NWOBHM, Ac-Dc, The Animals, The Clash, Sex pistols, Jerry Lee Lewis, Fats Domino, The Cream, The Smiths, Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Led Zeppelin, Eagles, James Taylor Quartet, Manhattan Transfer, Depeche Mode, Angelique Kidjo, all the African Tadition, Ray "The Genius" Charles, Michael Jackson, Ornette Coleman, Benny Goodman, Satchmo, Louis Prima, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Peter Gabriel, Nina Hagen, Einsturzende Neubauten, Sonny Terry, Elio e le Storie Tese, James Brown, Area, Perigeo, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Loreena McKennit, Clannad, The Chieftains, Modena City Ramblers, Dulce Pontes, Ennio Morricone, Ares Tavolazzi, Amalia Rodriguez, Cesaria Evora, Enrico Rava, Paolo Fresu, Vinicio Capossela, Paolo Conte, Fabrizio De Andrè, Francesco Guccini, Lucio Dalla, Francesco De Gregori, Mia Martini, Donatella Rettore, Alberto Camerini, Ravi Shankar, Dead Can Dance, the Dubliners, the Stranglers, Stiff Little Fingers, Alan Parson Project, the Hepcat, Herbie Hancock, The Brand New Heavies, Harry Belafonte, Quintorigo, Saint Germain, Billy Cobham, Al Jarreau, Fred Buscaglione, Eumir Deodato, Irio De Paola, Joni Mitchell, Sud Sound System, Incognito, Parliament, Vangelis, Franco Battiato, Giuni Russo, Deep Purple, Scorpions, Toto, Jamiroquai, Sergio Mendez, AIR, Massive Attack, Goldfrapp, Nicola Conte, Velvet Underground, Santana, Stanley Clarke, Chick Corea, Dasvidania, Queen, Toy Dolls, Keith Jarret, David Bowie, Baaba Maal, Rino Gaetano, Slim Harpo, Tom Waits, Pat Metheny, Sly and the Family Stone, The Parliament, Rossini, Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven, Horff, Albinoni, Tchaikowsky, Ravel, Demetrio Stratos, Noir Desir, Goblin, Chemical Brothers, Africa Unite, Jeff Beck, Paco De Lucia, Mum, Segur Ross, Omar Farouk, Les Elles, Les Negresses Vertes, Yann Tiersen, Napoli Centrale, Antonella Ruggero, Damien Rice, Quincy Jones, Traffic, Chris Isaak, Isaac Hayes, Frank Zappa, and so on with everything and everyone I can't remember at moment but that has made (and will make) me growing up in consciousness...
Sounds Like: You Tell me
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Against Racism

Posted by Marco Calì on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:45:00 PST

Drivin thru the Night

Era tanto tempo fa, non ricordo mai bene queste cose...Cominciava sempre con le prime notti di primavera.Un'inquietudine strana che, fin da bambino, compenetrava la notte di fuori attraverso gli efflu...
Posted by Marco Calì on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:58:00 PST


Per mesi e mesi amici e conoscenti mi hanno chiesto come mai non avessi un mio spazio su myspace. La mia risposta finora è sempre stata che non ho mai visto la necessità di far sapere al mondo ciò che...
Posted by Marco Calì on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 04:45:00 PST