Queen of Africa is one of those ordinary African girls who come in America tried to have a better life and opportunity and tried to fight for those women who never had a change to come in America or go to school in Africa, basically had a chance for anything in life, and dying every day on childbirth. I think those women deserve a life and safe motherhood.I am wear of this situation in Mali because my mother is midwife and my brother is a doctors and my country is one of those poorest in the world. Mali is a French speaking county in West AfricaEach day 80 newborns die in Mali, every three hours a woman in Mali dies due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth.
They found that Mali stands to lose $350 million over the next 12 years because of the productivity the country loses when women die, or are disabled, from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. And in the next 12 years, if nothing is done to improve health care, 34,000 mothers and 340,000 newborns will die.As is true of many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, women in Mali face an unacceptably high risk of dying during pregnancy and childbirth. An estimated one in 19 women dies from pregnancy-related causes in Mali (the risk for women in Switzerland is 1 in 6,900) and complications arising from pregnancy and childbirth are responsible for one third of the deaths of Malian women aged 15 to 49.For this situation I am working on to put a foundation that will help my country with anything like drugs, some health facility, or even a good idea, to save lot of people life, and improve their life and their kids.
I am willing to travel any where in USA to meet people who want to help my foundation.
My foundation is Denko Foundation. Denko = children in Mandingo, my native language.
You can contact me [email protected]
I will send a brochure to people who want to know little bit about my foundation.
Not only I but the all country and the all continent need your help
I will appreciated help and support from everyone.VISIONEnjoyment by all people of Mali, Africa of an improved quality of life through a significant reduction in maternal, infantile, and neonatal mortality and morbidity, good traditional practices and conditions that enable women and children to participate in and benefit from healthy development.MISSIONTo support countries in promoting the reproductive health of families and individual women and children by improving access to skills development, knowledge, information and services, throughout the lifecycle, in order to reduce related morbidity and mortality so as to enhance the quality of life.FUNCTIONS1. Raising awareness at high policy and political levels as well as the community level on the social and economic burden of maternal, infantile, and neonatal ill health and mortality2. Reinforcing the institutional community response to life-threatening conditions for mothers and newborns and promoting and integral, participatory and gender-sensitive approach to the establishment of quality basis reproductive health care for all individuals and families at all levels of the healthcare system3. Strengthening country reproductive health management as well as national capabilities for the development and application of appropriate guidelines to ensure the prevention and proper care for reproductive health matters targeting mothers, newborns, abused children, reproductive health needs of young people and adults of sexes and promotion of responsible gender relationships4. Promoting evidence-based planning and service delivery through development of regional and national database and the undertaking of operational research.