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Aysegül, Istanbul'da dogdu.Müzige ilkokul yillarinda okul korosu ile basladi Lise yillari boyunca liseler ve üniversiteler arasi cesitli konserler,festivaller ve sarki yarismalariyla aktif müzik hayatina orkestra solisti olarak devam etti.1988 yilinda henüz 16 yasindayken Rahmetli" Cem Karaca"nin organize ettigi "Gülhane Altin Cinar Sarki yarismasi"nda"Grup Cagrisim"in solisti olarak birincilik kazandi."Istanbul Etiler Lisesi"nden mezun olduktan sonra Türkiye'yi hayati boyunca dünya opera sahnelerinde temsil etmis olan ünlü soprano "Selma Berk"ten 1,5 yil san ve solfej dersleri aldi."Selma Berk"in yönlendirmesiyle "Müjdat Gezen Sanat Merkezi"nde san ve müzik egitimine devam etti.Müjdat Gezen Sanat Merkezinde tanistigi hocalari "Sertab Erener" ve "Levent Yüksel"in destek ve istekleriyle 1993-1994 yillari arasinda Pop Müzigin Diva'si "Sezen Aksu",Sertab Erener ve Levent Yüksel'in üclü ve solo olarak, gece klübü , konser ve turne calismalarinda "Back Vocal" olarak görev aldi.Bu calisma onun icin dönüm noktasi oldu ve profesyonel müzik hayati böylece baslamis oldu.Istanbul'un seckin gece klüp ve barlarinda,sehirler ve ülkeler arasi turneler,konserler,bayii toplantilari ve balolarda solo sahne calismalarina devam etti."Fatih Erkoc",Hakan Peker","Sinan Erkoc","Emel Müftüoglu" ile de zaman zaman vokal calismalari oldu.1995 yilinda, sözü ve müzigi kendisine ait sarkilardan olusan "Sevgiye Hasret" isimli albüm calismasi oldu.2002 yilindan itibaren yazlarini Istanbul'da,kislarini Berlin'de gecirmeye basladi.Aktif sahne calismalari,söz ve beste calismalari,Stüdyo Vocal calismalari Istanbul-Berlin arasi devam etmektedir...
::: ENGLISH :::
Aysegül was born in Istanbul. She started her music career with school choir during her primary school years. During high school years, she continued her active music life as an orchestra vocalist with various concerts, festivals and song contests among high school and universities. In 1988 when she was just 16, she won the first prize as a main vocalist of Grup Cagrisim at Gulhane Golden Chinar Song Contest, which was organized by Cem Karaca who was the important artist of Turkey. After graduated Istanbul Etiler High School, she took the singing and solfege lessons one and half years from the famous soprano Selma Berk who represented Turkey on opera stages for all her life in the world. Oriented by Selma Berk, she continued the singing and solfege lessons at Mujdat Gezen Art Centre that is a private art school in Turkey. With the support of Turkey's famous pop singers, Levent Yüksel and Sertab Erener who were her teachers, she took part in Turkish pop music diva, Sezen Aksu's concerts, Sertab Erener's and Levent Yüksel's concerts as a back vocalist between 1993 and 1994. This work was a corner stone in her life and this way her professional music life has started. She continued her solo stage works in Istanbul's elite nihgt clubs, and bars, concerts and tours abroad, balls and meetings. Again she worked as a back vocalist with Turkey's other famous pop artist Fatih Erkoc, Sinan erkoc, Hakan peker and Emel Muftuoglu. In 1995, she made her own album called 'Sevgiye Hasret ' which is composed of songs written and composed by herself. Since 2002, she has spent her winter time in Berlin, her summer time in Istanbul. Her active stage life, writing and composing works, studio vocal works has been going on between Berlin and Istanbul...
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Member Since: 06/03/2007
Band Members: Nuh Okatan (Nuh'un Gemisi ), Yusuf Hayaloglu, Mehtap Alnitemiz, Süleyman Alnitemiz, Cengiz Özdemir, Tamer Özkan, Selim Aysan, Erdem Sökmen, Erdinc Senyaylar, Ercan Irmak, Sait Büyükcinar Yayli Grubu, Özcan Büyük, Ali Otyam, Aydin Karabulut, Bora Dicle, Cengiz Ercüment, Ayhan Uyanik, Levent Türedioglu, Göker Büyükgönenc, Sevket Yilmaz, Safak Coban, Hüseyin Ay, Özlem Kavaller, Bülent Nargaz, Ömer Bayramoglu
Influences: Barbra Streisand,Frank Sinatra,Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin,Whitney Houston,Jamiroquai
Record Label: Unsigned

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