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G.I. Joe

Fighting For Freedom Where Ever There's Trouble, Over Land, Sea and Air. G.I. JOE Is There.

About Me

G.I. Joe is the code name for America's daring highly trained special mission force. It's purpose to defend human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

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My Interests

G.I. Joe Cartoons, comics, toys and what ever else they made of it.

I'd like to meet:

G.I Joe fans and Cobra Commander. Plus The Baroness, Lady Jay, Scarlett and Cover Girl. They were hot. Original miniseries 2nd miniseries (Season 1)G.I. Joe Intro

Add to My Profile | More Videos (Season 2) G.I. Joe the movie AND OF COURSE HERE'S COBRA COMMANDERS DAY OFF...


General Hawk.The commanding officer of G.I. Joe. A real bad ass. Duke.2nd in command. A real hard ass when it comes to military discipline. But a real good Joe. Banging Scarlett, one of the hot chicks in the Joe team. Flint.3rd in command, he's banging the other hot chick in the team, Lady Jaye. Sgt Slaughter.A big fat loud mouth who is really fucking strong and is good for doing his wrestling moves on various members of Cobra. Beach Head.5th in command. Wants to kill the Raw Hides during training. Probably because they suck! Roadblock.Likes to cook and speak in rymthes. Knows how to kick Cobra's ass too. Quick Kick. Kicking the shit out of Storm Shadow. The Sarge punching one of the Dreadnaughts lights out. Gung Ho and Ship Wreck looking gay. Wild Bill is some crazy red neck that they gave a chopper to. WOW! Look at Flint and the Baroness!! The entire Joe Team


Cobra Commander.Looks really cool in his costume and looks like a bad ass. But he is actually the biggest puss in the planet. Always yelling, Cobra retreat!! Destro.An arms dealer who provides Cobra with all of it's weapons. Probably has sex with the Baroness every chance he gets. Looks like a pimp with that medallion or whatever he has on. The Baroness.The hottest chick ever. Loves to dress in tight leather suits, just to tease everyone in Cobra. Oh yeah she's Cobra's intelligence officer. Tomax and Xamot.Twins who for some weird reason finish each others sentences and can feel each others pain. Also they are in charge of Cobra's Crimson Guard. Oh, and in case you didn't figure it out, their names are spelled backwards. Dr Mindbender.The genius who created that annoying bastard Serpentor. He dresses pretty gay too. Serpentor.Cobra Emperor, Annoying as hell. Always saying "This I Command!" When it really doesn't make sense. Pretty incompetent as the leader of Cobra too. Major Bludd.A mercinary who has nothing better to do but fight for Cobra. Has a fruity voice too. Zartan and the Dreadnoks.They pretty much do anything for money. Zartan is the leader of these guys. A master of disguise. Is allergic to sunlight, has a real hot sister named Zarana. The Dreadnoks have a weird thing for chocolate donuts and grape soda. Cobra Troops were like Storm Troopers in Star Wars. They couldn't shoot straight if their lives depended on it. Cobra Vipers look cooler, but they were also terrible shots. Crimson Gaurds, they just look cool. The Baroness looking hot!


The three hot chicks of G.I. Joe. Scarlet, Lady Jaye and Cover Girl.

My Blog

G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.

So there is going to be a live action G.I. Joe movie coming out in August of next year.Here are some early photos of the movie. Hope It's good.The Baroness and Scarlett look good.And here's some more ...
Posted by G.I. Joe on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 05:04:00 PST

A little rant on Action Force.

So I was on YouTube yesterday and I was watching the Intro on G.I. Joe The Movie and then I saw that it said, Action Force The Movie and stumbled on to a big debate on there.Now don't get me wrong, I ...
Posted by G.I. Joe on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:35:00 PST

Classic G.I. Joe Vehicles

I was just remembering the classic Joe vehicles and I just remembered how awesome they were. I had many of them, and I wish now that I would have kept them and taken care of them too. Oh well. Hope se...
Posted by G.I. Joe on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 06:25:00 PST

G.I. Joe The Movie in Ten Minutes

This was pretty funny! ...
Posted by G.I. Joe on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:00:00 PST

Who remembers these?

I haven't seen these in years. Hope these bring back memories for all of you Joe fans out there. And these are just too funny! LOL! ...
Posted by G.I. Joe on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:25:00 PST