Scott Grass - Ceo/Lead Investigator,camera, Tech/Founder Scott Tarbox -V.P/Resident Witch E.J.Nye-President/Lead Tech/Investigator Julie Grass - Investigator Andrew Bard -Investigator Megan Shaw -Investigator Savanna Wing: Research____________________________________________________ __ Maine Paranormal Society: We are a Scarborough, Gorham, Maine, non profit paranormal investigator group. We research and investigate purported ghost sightings, hauntings,and we will have a very informative Web site and offer reports from investigations to read and story to tell. We have great photos with explanations, we also arrange ghost hunts for charity. M.P.G is produced and directed and owned by Forsaken Filmz (c) 2007 -------------------------------------------------------- Scott Grass- I am the Owner of Forsaken Filmz, we specalize in local filming and any other filming in a non-sexual manner. Resident Evil :Raccoon City is our first film and we are soon to be filming Batman:Darkest Hour. My next project is Choice Cuts. I have been interested in the paranormal study for year, this is the first time for me to take it on. ---------------------------------------------------------- Scott Tarbox- A little bit about me: My traditions and teachings are: Cabot, Hekatean, Coven of Keys, C.O.R. Celtic, Strega, Kahuna, Alexandrian, Gardnerian, Golden Dawn, Luminus Radius Maximus, E.W.C., I am one of the Best Psychics, Mediums and Card Readers in the Northeast. I am known as The Mountain Seer and Prophecy. I was born a Witch.I have been practicing and becoming one with Magick for over 40 years. When one can learn to become one with their Magick they become one with thier Magickal Universe. I have studied and practiced countless traditions and have incorporated them with the ways of my Family and have been teaching Witchcraft as a Religion and Way of Life for over 20 years. So I now teach and consult online, by telephone and in person. I am available for lectures, classes and readings. I have lectured the local Police Departments, Social Services and even helped with a few missing persons cases as well as murder cases. I very much enjoy meeting new people and listening to their views and opening thier minds to the Universe. Currently I am working on a book of True Witchcraft a Religion and Way of Life. Julie Grass- Julie has had interest in the Paranomal world, where she has seen a being her family calls the "Dark Man". E.J.Nye- President of M.P.G has the love the Paranormal and will give the skills to be Lead Tech.
Forsaken Film music