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Barbara Kim

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Rainbow Warriors

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What Elfquest Creature Are You?
by Peacepine at For Elf Eyes Only .
You Are Romanticism
You are likely to see the world as it should be, not as it is.
You prefer to celebrate the great things people do... not the horrors they're capable of.
For you, there is nothing more inspiring than a great hero.
You believe that great art reflects the artist's imagination and true ideals. What Art Movement Are You?

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My Interests

-independent researcher: Real Provision - Emporium of the Future I am establishing an online mall of sustainably-produced & wildcrafted healing foods made by quality-conscious companies worldwide. I like to read books on bioresonant harmonics, quantum mechanics; ancient & new paradigm medicinals; bioceramics; and metaphysics, astrophysics; geometry, the list goes on... -native Texan / part Cherokee -born in Corpus Christi -lived in California, New York,Louisiana,Ohio,Florida,Oklahoma, and 12 cities/towns in Texas; also Paradise Island,Guatemala,Honduras, & Canada...[couple months each] -maternal grandfather was a helicopter mechanic retired from Aradmac [now Naval Air Station]in Corpus Christi -father a retired senior chemist group leader at Celanese Chemical [now Hoesht-Celanese] in Robstown, TX & in Bishop, TX- He created a dozen patents [or patented processes]-sing & dance -do acrobatics & hatha yoga -play with grandchildren -talk to intellectuals -make (or read) mind maps -hike, find ancient artifacts -blog/write poetry -festivals & drum circles -shop for gourmet foods -create global rainforest emporium & juice bar -listen to holy people -watch Science, National Geographic, or Travel Channel -listen to sixties music -edit research papers, reports, articles, & advertising copy -condense catalogs & directories -ponder mysteries of the universe -appreciate visionary art-5 1/2 months- active blogger for peace, alternative energy, healing & sciences, indigenous communities & cooperatives, the arts, dance & music -cleaned filthy residences & counseled parents in nutrition, sanitation & child safety -attended protests against the war in Iraq, 19 new coal plants in Texas, new toll roads, & the criminalization of medical marijuana, etc. -attended Institute Basic Youth Conflicts seminar -was co-leader of Hunger project briefings -broke up many fights at dance clubs, raves, and public events -took James Twyman's Peacemaker's course -fed the homeless at Zilker Park for two summers -cleared brush & debris from yards of the elderly -cleaned a sleazy motel-interior & exterior -cleaned & painted squatter houses -cleaned The Aware House Warehouse living cooperative for young people; helped fix roof, set up kitchen, & organized library from a huge mound of books -assisted public access live tv show, Trippin' in austin, weekly for 7 months in set-up & control room/studio messaging, also operated camera for a couple of these shows -organized files for the elderly -emergency care for individuals experiencing withdrawal from anti-psychotic drugs like lithium & haldol -prepared vegan meals for yoga students- groups of 30 to 300 -attended 5 international rainbow gatherings, dispensing activated charcoal capsules & bandages,then staying for clean-up -processed & bagged tubs of edible seed sprouts -studied kefir culture food preservation methods, probiotic cultured foods, food safety & storage, & natural medicinal food potentization methods for low-tech survival -cooked for church cafeteria which fed homeless -counseled youth against drugs & alcohol -counseled alcoholics against alcohol [am personally a non-drinker & non-alcoholic--like a poster child for al-anon for friends of alcoholics, but I seldom went to their meetings -studied for inter- or non-denominational ministry -planned natural formula drink for depression & anxiety combined [good for adhd or hormone-compromised] Additional formulas planned for brain function, sport & longevity, digestion-to eradicate h. pylori, others... -designed a natural weight-normalizing dietI want to be the buyer for an all-natural pharmacy chain for preventive healthcare. I want to to address public health & disease concerns; including, but not limited to Morgellon's & other skin diseases, internal & external parasites, cancers & viruses, antibiotic resistance, malaria, lyme disease, aids, deficiency disorders, hyper-immunity diseases, autism, leprosy, obesity, etc.[don't know much about politics] [had job campaigning for McGovern in the 70's][sang in barbershop quartet with Max Nofziger at an election victory party] I would vote for Kucinich.Quantum Mechanics//Natural Medicine//Bio-ceramics//Bio-resonance//Epic Poetry//Psychology//Parapsychology//Philosophical Alchemy//Archeology//Song and Dance//Sound Therapies//Ancient Scriptures//Rainforest Foods//Kefir & Kombucha//Peace & Love//Sixties//Indigenous Cooperatives//Table Tennis//Consumer Advocacy//3 Grown-up Children & 2 Grandchildren//Unified Field//Magic Mirrors//Noble Paths//Quintessence//Exotic Matter//Toroids//Vortex Theory//Klein Bottles//Resonant Fields//Accelerated Learning//Holography//Astral Projection//Tao//Zen//Astro-physics & Cosmology//Esoterica//Christ//Mysticism//Naturopathy//Hypno- therapy//Lucid Dreaming//Remote Viewing//Telepathy//Heirloom Seeds//Organic Gardening & Natural Agricultural Solutions//Sacred Geometry//Orgone//Tree of Life//Visionary Art//Famine Relief//Natural Sweeteners//Gnostics//Hermetics//Metaphysics & Mysticism//Phi Ratio Art//Futurism//Time Travel//Negative Ions//Far-Infrared Rays//Vintage Sci-Fi//Yellow Brick Road//Labyrinths//Kinestasis & Collage//Natural Hygiene//Archetypes//Ancestors//Platinum Group Ormes Elements//Hebrew Fire Letters//Deja-vu & Precognition//Coral Castle//Crop Circle Symbols//Periodic Table Configurations//Indoor Dodgeball & Fanball//Water Volleyball//Kickball//Chinese Jumprope//Double-Dutch//Wooden Stilts [the kind you hold on to]//Crystal Skulls//Ica Stones//Finding Ancient Artifacts//High-tech Bandages//5-in-1 Sofa bed//Hatha Yoga/Edible Flowers//Shekinah//Sephiroth//Ark of the Covenant//Holy Grail//Manna-Insect Exudate[bug shit] & honey dew//Cymatics//Biogenic Fields//Zeolites//Kirlian Photography//Harmonic Convergence & Concordance//Eclipses//New Paradigm Medicine//Phase Conjugation//The Lost Chord//Verissimilitude//Phylogenetic memory//Non-linear Dynamics//Poe Rava-The Black Pearl//Ancient Gravitics//Top-down View//Cross-vectoring//Wave & Particle Duality//Unity in Diversity//Jyoti//Essenes//Diatonic Scales//Cluster & Factor Analysis//Pyramid Geometry//Funhouses//Wax Museums//Magnets//Bamboo//Hormones & Pheromones//Exorcism//Sustainability//Foucault Pendulum//Prebiotics & Probiotics//Subsistence Culture//Wildcrafted Foods//Sustainability//Brainwaves & Heartwaves//Metaphor & Synchronicity//Egyptian Djedi//Costumery//Gypsies//Snow Globes//Music Boxes//Stripper Poles//Optics//Special Effects//Blacklights & Posters////Reverberating Chambers & Acoustic Microphones//Teepees//Novelty Behavior//Feathers & Wings//Embossing Inks & Glitter Glue Pens//Linen & Rough Silk//Prisms & Rainbows//Feng Shui//Constructive Interference//Over-lapping Transparencies//Mobius Coils//Exotic Dance//Mozart Effect//Pattern of Signature//Cetaceans & The Lone Whale//Golden Principle//Natural Law//Ethics & Management//Whirligigs//Twirling Sticks//Piezo-electricity & Superconductivity//Schumann Resonance//Stereograms//Mah Jong//3D Dreamcatchers//Quartz Crystals//Castalians//Multiple Dimensions//Golden Rule//Speed-reading & Photoreading//Sprouted Breads//Manifestation Techniques//Dowsing//Fresh Juicy Fruit or Frozen Fruit Confections//Mind Maps//Precession of Earth//Overtones//Bees & Bee Products//Metronomes//Spirograph//High Tea//Drum Circles//Antiques,Primitives, & Rustics//Rainsticks, Rattles & Sistrums//Space Cadets//Roller Skates//Holistic Health//Patriots//Scrapbooks//Cryptograms//Self-Help Software//Self-Sufficient Systems//Full-Spectum Lighting//Mayflies & Fireflies//Mineral Sources & Selective Uptake//Medicinal Mushrooms//Acid & Alkaline Balance//Chemical Sensitivity//Sensitive People & Empaths//Quality Control & Inspection//Connected Breathing & Pranayama//Mind Over Matter//Food & Seed Storage//Natural Childbirth & Breast-feeding//Veteran Medicine//Detoxification//Feathered Hats//Vintage Clothing//Mold Eradication//Soap-On -A-Rope//Care Baskets//Gourmet Shops & Emporiums//Ferries, dolphins, & Seagulls//High-Jump//Rebounders & Spring-Boards//Uneven Parallel bars//Worthy Work & Karma Yoga//Ball & Jacks//Colored Eggs[the game]//Natural Root Beers & Old Frosted Mugs//My Cakes [made from scratch]//Raw Nuts & Nut Butters//Kefired Kim Chi[no vinegar]//Medicinal Potentization Methods//Honeysuckle//Old Semi-transparent Colored Glass Dishes//Wearing Bells//Wicker & Bentwood//Contact Improvisation//The Lost Chord//Friendly Ghosts & Aliens//Health Books of the Thirties//Industry, Advertising, & Stereotyping in the Fifties//Deprogramming//Spelunking//Speleotherapy [Ancient Salt Mines or Salt Lamps]//Trophology [Science of Food Combining]//Fresh Herbs//Indoor Rock Garden Fountains//Natural Portals//Baby Pools with Showers//Expo '67 & Hemisfair [I was there-Thanks, Daddy]//
Element-wind Totems & familiars-brown bear, silver wolf, small owl, lightning Favorite Color-green Favorite Food-avocado Archetype: High Priestess//Veiled Empress//Fool, Harlequin, Jester//Magician/Magi//Christ Correspondent//Holy Spirit//Flower Child//Dove or Lamb//Beloved Disciple//Lost Princess//Skywalker//Djedi//Ancient Mariner of Sea People//Ascetic or Renunciate//Castilian//Half-elf Druid Cleric//Sounding Board//Dark Mirror//Exotic Matter//Lost Pleiadean//Everywoman//Eye of Providence//The Wind Character: Bride of Christ//Magdalen//Isis or Maat//Astarte//Asherah//The Sophia//Joan of Arc//Holly Hobbie//Marcella Sembrich//

I'd like to meet:

My roots are: / Cherokee/ Irish / Scottish/ English / French /Dutch / German /My sense of smell / taste is extra keen. Subsequently, I am environmentally sensitive. Chemical odors from laundry dryer sheets and bleach get to me, even if outdoors. I am concerned that Earth must tolerate so much man-made waste. There are ideals by which to measure anything. The fundamental natural rule is to keep it real and harmonious withal. *Feng shui*You Are Incredibly Logical
Move over Spock - you're the new master of logic
You think rationally, clearly, and quickly.
A seasoned problem solver, your mind is like a computer! How Logical Are You?
You scored as Light, light! You may seem empty and emotionless, because you like to meditate. You may not be emotionless, but nobody except you would know, because you dont show any emotion for you have mastered yourself above such things.







What Element Lies within you?(PICS)
created with .


This is a music blog to change the world. Music is magic. Herein is half a century of music, if a bit old-fashioned. Focus is on the 60's, with hair band ballads of the 80's, post-modern dance & old-school hip-hop of the 90's, and some new age classical and gospel, plus, lots of reggae and Indie. The bands and artists, poets and producers are fabulous.


Canned laughter has never been cool. I like dance performances, Science Channel / Travel Channel / National Geographic... I cannot tolerate tv violence. [see no evil/hear no evil] I do not care much for docu-drama. Melodrama is deplorable to me. Reality shows are not my reality, if any. I don't think a talking head keeping folks at odds in a stifling space is any good. Eating disgusting things fast is stupid. I hope that kind of thing does not spread serious disease- like parasites. Commercials advertise the worst products. Some commercials are noise pollution. I see subliminals. Walk away from your tv- and trash the microwave oven {or use it to make diamonds}


Authors:Herman Hesse//Edmund Bordeaux Szekely//Mark Twain[Samuel Clemens]//Thomas Tryon//Carlos Castaneda//Teilhard de Chardin//Richard Bach//Carl Jung//Deepak Chopra//Dan Winter [yea, really]//David Wilcock//Edgar Evans Cayce//Leonardo DaVinci//Eliphas Levi//Plato//Hildegard of Birgen//Clifford A Pickover//Paramahansa Yogananda//Sivananda//Rabrindanath Tagore//Sri Yukteswar//Carolyn Keene//C.S. Lewis//Frank Channing Haddock//Julie Campbell & Kathryn Kenny//Pouissin//Lord Byron//Ina May & Steven Gaskin [also liked their Ice Bean]//John C. Lilly, MD//Jay Williams & Raymond Abrashkin//Rudyard Kipling//Emma Jung[wife of Carl]//Carl G. Jung//Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval//Kahlil Gibran//Timothy Francis Leary//Michael Baigent//Wendy & Richard Pini//Carlos Castaneda//Victoras Kulvinskas & Ann Wigmore//Robert Schuller//Dr. Mark Chironna//Joyce Meyer//Margaret Starbird//Mary Marshall Dyer//Masaru Emoto//James F. Twyman//Michio Kaku//A. J. Russell//Phineas Parkhurst Quimby//Nikola Tesla//Laura Lee Hope//Peter Tompkins//Julia Cameron//Dale Carnegie//Osho//David Spangler//Jehanne du Pucelle//Marianne Williamson//James Michener//Franz Bardon//Fred Alan Wolf PhD//Maharishi Mahesh Yogi//William A. McGarey//Robert Heinlein//John Dee//Orson Scott card//Ingrid Naiman//


Evangelists: Dr. Mark Chironna//Joyce Meyer//James Robison//Bishop Clarence McClendon//Carman//Minister friends who were totally there for me: Ronnie Gamez [leader of Friends, Incorporated in Austin-miracle worker], Paul Thornberg [Quaker missions in Burundi for 27 years, Friends Community Church]//Mark Ullrich-my outreach buddy in Corpus Christi [his father invented a car that, I think, ran on hydrogen; which was suppressed by the govmt.]//Russell Hobbs [Theater Gallery, The Prophet, The Door]//Philip Landrum of SW Community Church//Pastor Dave Lucas of Oak Hill [Austin]

My Blog

Theories of Everything

Share wisdom uncommon in the worldWhat happens to poetry that comes to me while looking for a quill?An altar envisioned to keep our eyes on HeavenProphecy is the interpretationThe go between of infini...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 07:01:00 PST

Pent Up Poetry

I spiral in place, tapping my fingers on glassy walls through which I may only see,Just like a bottled-up genie; but, the bottle is uncorked & it seems warmer inside. Mind is working well, like maybe...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 06:50:00 PST

Dance of the Stones

Joy is a, have a happy song & dance. When I hike I'll be hauling ancient stones, in packs & pockets, some big game stuff...Want to carry some rocks? Even if it happens to be 107 degrees,...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:09:00 PST

To My Friend Who Wants To Learn Astral Projection

It should help projection to lower the frequency of brainwaves. I would find a free alpha wave generator of sound tones or listen to solfeggio-type ren music, or Mozart who listened to the music of t...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 05:02:00 PST

If you get on my band-wagon, I will give you special promotion!

If you enjoy social networking & would like to reach the world with your ideas or music or business...; please come see what I am doing with my site on Yuwie. I get paid by using it. If you join me ...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:34:00 PST

Stop trashing the rainforests for disposable packaging!!

What do you do with your fast food packaging? Do you save it and cherish it forever? I didn't think so.Tell Yum Brands our forests are more valuable than their convenience!>> Fast Food Industry giants...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 12:21:00 PST

Provisional Thinking

Eat sprouted bread unleavened or slicedNuts raw and baby greens freshFruits have to be ripe & not enclosedHopefully not refrigerated.No microwave no no noIf u want to know how to healDon't put all the...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:13:00 PST

Mind if I ask why u added me? [he asked]

Of course, you may. I found u while seeking a counselor; although, I did not happen to need that, but thought I might, and u were there. U came out on top of those on Myspace for your city. [by rap...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 01:12:00 PST

Unknown Code

Click here to discuss and review the profile of the day featuring: Barbara Kim Where did this come from? My blog friend was asking about it. Have I been phished or has my profile actually been des...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:59:00 PST

Answer to a letter from a stranger...[edited out personal content]

Judging yourself does not work, any more than judging another. It is not the way. Whether you prefer to think of a higher power [u don't have to give up on God] or on theoretical physics and natural...
Posted by Barbara Kim on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 11:56:00 PST