Robin Hobb profile picture

Robin Hobb

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Actually, I'm going to use this space to note something I've mentioned before in my blog. It's not about meeting anyone.It's about a hazard of the writing profession. I spend a lot of time at the keyboard every day, and that constant hammering has, unfortunately, taken a toll on my hands over the years. That means I've had to start limiting how much typing I do each day.One of the things I've had to forego is answering a lot of email. Even on the days when I can find the hours, by the time I get to it my hand are pretty much finished for the day.As mentioned in my first blog entry, I'd love to be able to answer every single email as I used to do. But unfortunately, I just can't.You'll find the answers to some questions on my FAQ at The easy link to the FAQ is at the bottom of the very first page. More adventurous folk are invited to explore my home on the Internet.I also have a newsgroup over at and I'm always happy to answer questions there. It's much easier for me to type one answer for 20 people than to type out 20 individual emails.I really wish the situation were otherwise. I used to have a lively correspondence with a number of readers, but the wear and tear on my hands ended that.Thanks for your understanding!Robin


I'm working on this! I'm stumped right now. There's a lovely piece of work called "The Boy Who Woke Dragons" by Garrett Hope over at his myspace. I can't quite figure out how to get it HERE, however. So visit his MySpace and listen to it there, and sample his other music as well.And I'm trying to make contact with Simon Smith, who composed a wonderfully stirring piece of music called PARAGON. He, too, has Myspace, and when I have his permission, I'll link it here.


Oh, this will be a very mixed bag. My Neighbor Totoro. Indiana Jones, all of them. Star Wars, the first trilogy. Blade Runner. Night at the Museum. Strings. Labyrinth. Princess Mononoke.


I never have time to watch television. Or rather, I watch about 20 different channels in an half hour and then think, "Gee, I could have been reading a book." It has been a long time since I had a favorite television series. I could blame that on television, but mostly I think it's because I can't 'commit' to watching a series week after week. Too many things come up in my life.


I'd need a much bigger space to list them all. So I'll just skim the surface here. George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire. I'm stunned by this. And I'm willing to wait for the next volume. Old favorite: Rudyard Kipling. Couple of recent authors I've read and enjoyed? Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn) and Patrick Rothfuss. Fiona MacIntosh. Charles deLint. Vonda McIntyre. Steven Brust. Robert Parker. Fritz Leiber. Theodore Sturgeon. Barbara Hambly. Do I even need to mention JRR Tolkien?

My Blog

Mowing the Lawn

This morning, I headed down to the old place near Roy to do some yard maintenance.  I try to get down there about once a week to cut the grass in front of the house and around the old chicken hou...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 11:16:00 PST

Humane Society Walk

Soliciting  sponsors for a Humane Society walk fundraiser. Seattle Humane Society    or 236150&lis=0&kntae2361...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 08:53:00 PST

The Noble Copy Editor

Today I mailed off the copy edited manuscript for the US edition of Renegade's Magic, sending it back to Harper Collins.  The copy edited manuscript is the stage of the book where a copy editor h...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 07:44:00 PST

Greywalker by Richardson

Oh, and I completely forgot that I'd said I'd let you know what I thought of this book. It's urban fantasy, contemporary and set in Seattle.  There are some great characters, ones that I hope I'l...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:49:00 PST

Stories Maniac radio interview Last Sunday, I did a radio interview.  I completely neglected to let anyone know about it in advance.  But it can still be heard at the link above. ...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:44:00 PST

Lost: One Murder of Crows

I've lived in Tacoma for thirteen years or so, now. When I first moved here, I thought I'd put bird feeders and little bird houses in the back yard and attract songbirds. Unfortunately, the back yard ...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:53:00 PST

Readergirlz and your life in a book

I spent Tuesday evening at the Wheelock Library here in Tacoma.  I attended a presentation by the Divas of Readergirlz.  I thought of doing a long discussion here of what and who readergirlz...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Fri, 18 May 2007 01:54:00 PST

When are you going to write that book?

At any gathering of writers and readers, sooner or later I meet someone who says, "I want to write." Chances are that, if this is a real ambition, the person already does.  A writer is, quite sim...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Fri, 11 May 2007 03:00:00 PST

John Howe's website There seem to be a lot of artists and illustrators on MySpace, so I thought I'd put this link to John Howe's website. John is probably best known for his art for Lord of ...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Tue, 01 May 2007 11:42:00 PST

April 30

It's a beautiful spring day in Tacoma.  The weather is mild, the sun is shining and the parts of my garden that I've worked on look beautiful.  There's still a lot more to do. Yet here I am ...
Posted by Robin Hobb on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:03:00 PST