I was going in to the local postnet talking about Bud & the Gnomads I sell. I walked in looking for a package and they said "Oh yeah - you're that gnome guy right?"
I am not a gnome junkie. I own just one. His name is Bud and he is out traveling the US right now. www.myspace.com/punagnome and www.punagnome.com.
I probably won't be online as much for awhile because I am living in a metal shed on our property to protect our building supplies from thieves.
I know - you looked at my profile shot and thought "I just don't see a guy that looks like you living in a shed"...lol. Don't let my tidy appearance fool you.
I think I will make a video documentary about it starting today. However since it is probably illegal to live on a shed on your own property I wont post it until I no longer live in a shed. HA.