'Ello, My name is Amy Bruni. I am a fiery Irish lass from Northern California. I write poetry, I make music, and I read incessantly. I grew up in the country, chasing faeries and hunting ghosts. No, I haven't learned my lesson.
Paranormal Research is highly important to me and since childhood, I've been studying and mentally devouring everything I could find on the subject. I'm a very busy Paranormal Investigator and I am also a Producer for Beyond Reality Radio with Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson from the Sci Fi Network show, Ghost Hunters. You should listen - because it's awesome, and because Jay and Grant are two of the most wonderfullest people I know.
I spend a lot of my time working with many paranormal teams and researchers across the country. It all started when I decided to use my long time history with the seemingly unknown to help others who may not be so understanding of the subject. It's been a wild ride so far, and truly, it is probably the most important thing I will ever do with myself.
If you share my interests - add or message me, I love hearing from people - and yes, I'm open to healthy debate too.
p.s. I'm a total dork.
Hey everyone, just a quick note...I've been overwhelmed with messages lately. Please forgive me if I don't get back to you, I will make my best attempt! :)