Indy Brew-Ha-Ha profile picture

Indy Brew-Ha-Ha

Indy's Premiere Beer Fest

About Me

Brew-Ha-Ha is a beer-tasting festival and block party in Indy's Mass Ave Arts District, and was named one of Indianapolis Monthly magazine's "Best Bets" in 2003 and 2005. It's also an annual fundraiser for the Phoenix Theatre &nbsp, the city's top contemporary, issues-oriented performing-arts company. (Click on link for theatre info and show dates and times.)BREW-HA-HA 2007 WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! Thanks to our many brewers, beverage donors, bands, entertainers, sponsors, volunteers, and, most importantly, our largest-ever crowd of festival attendees, 2007 was the best year ever for Brew-Ha-Ha! Your support allowed us to raise close to $20,000 for the Phoenix Theatre &nbsp and its programs, which will help insure that Indianapolis continues to have a vibrant contemporary performing-arts community.Check out our "Pics" section for newly posted photos of this year's event, and please be sure to patronize the many partners whose generosity made Brew-Ha-Ha's success possible.If you had a great time at Brew-Ha-Ha this year or in years past, please post a comment and forward this page to your friends.We look forward to seeing you again next year. Cheers!Many thanks to our generous sponsors and partners! Media sponsors: Indianapolis Monthly, &nbsp NUVO, &nbsp Radio Now 93.1, &nbsp Dean Johnson Design &nbsp Entertainment underwriter INtake, &nbsp Promotional partner WFYI 90.1 FM, &nbsp Entertainment partner Indy Custom Cornhole &nbspThe Brew-Ha-Ha 2007 band line-up rocked. Many thanks to: The Elect, &nbsp 3 Miles High, &nbsp and The Alpha Primitives. &nbsp Check out their MySpace band profiles in our "Top Friends" section.Many thanks to our generous sponsors and partners! Media sponsors: Indianapolis Monthly, &nbsp NUVO, &nbsp Radio Now 93.1, &nbsp Dean Johnson Design &nbsp Entertainment underwriter INtake, &nbsp Promotional partner WFYI 90.1 FM, &nbsp Entertainment partner Indy Custom Cornhole &nbspCORNHOLE AT BREW-HA-HA! Thanks to Indy Custom Cornhole, &nbsp this year's Brew-Ha-Ha peeps played everyone's favorite get-the-bag-in-the-hole game. No game goes better with beer!Thanks to IndyFringe &nbsp for spicing up Brew-Ha-Ha 2007 with magic and entertainment. Make sure to plan another trip to Mass Ave. for IndyFringe 2007, which runs Aug. 24 - Sept. 2.

My Interests

Microbrews, particularly those made locally and regionally. Hard cider. Tasty new adult beverages. Delicious food from fine local restaurants. Local theatre, especially at the Phoenix and the upcoming IndyFringe fest. Cornhole.

I'd like to meet:

Fun-seekers. (It helps to love beer, music, food, warm summer days and cool people...but it's not required.)


We love local musicians. This year's band line-up included The Elect, 3 Miles High, and The Alpha Primitives. Some past performers: The Spud Puppies, The Tumbleweeds, Pale, and others (and we're still grateful for their support).


Brewers. They're cool. Our sponsors (wouldn't you like to be one?). The kind folks who support the Phoenix Theatre by having a great time at Brew-Ha-Ha.Some generous past beverage providers include: Broad Ripple Brew Pub, Rock Bottom, Barley Island, The Ram, Alcatraz, Oaken Barrel, Bloomington Brewing Co., Upland, New Albanian, Turoni's Pizza & Brewery, Terre Haute Brewing Co., Shoreline Brewery, Bell's Brewery, Woodchuck Cider, Cavalier Distributing, World Class Beverages, Zink Distributing, Pure Beverages, BW3 Downtown

My Blog

Brew-Ha-Ha Around the World

Got a Brew-Ha-Ha t-shirt in your drawer? Next time you travel to someplace cool, throw it on, get a picture, and send it to us. We'll post it here. Cheers! Salud! Prost! Salute! Sante! BHH committee ...
Posted by Indy Brew-Ha-Ha on Thu, 31 May 2007 12:25:00 PST

You show us

Were YOU there? Prove it by showing us your pictures from Brew-Ha-Has past.All you have to do is post your Brew-Ha-Ha pictures in your MySpace pictures section, then send an email to this page letting...
Posted by Indy Brew-Ha-Ha on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 07:58:00 PST

You tell us

We love it when people tell us about what a great time they had at Brew-Ha-Ha. Well, here's your chance to share those funny and/or shocking Brew-Ha-Ha anecdotes with your fellow partygoers. Just emai...
Posted by Indy Brew-Ha-Ha on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 06:07:00 PST