Microbrews, particularly those made locally and regionally. Hard cider. Tasty new adult beverages. Delicious food from fine local restaurants. Local theatre, especially at the Phoenix and the upcoming IndyFringe fest. Cornhole.
Fun-seekers. (It helps to love beer, music, food, warm summer days and cool people...but it's not required.)
We love local musicians. This year's band line-up included The Elect, 3 Miles High, and The Alpha Primitives. Some past performers: The Spud Puppies, The Tumbleweeds, Pale, and others (and we're still grateful for their support).
Brewers. They're cool. Our sponsors (wouldn't you like to be one?). The kind folks who support the Phoenix Theatre by having a great time at Brew-Ha-Ha.Some generous past beverage providers include: Broad Ripple Brew Pub, Rock Bottom, Barley Island, The Ram, Alcatraz, Oaken Barrel, Bloomington Brewing Co., Upland, New Albanian, Turoni's Pizza & Brewery, Terre Haute Brewing Co., Shoreline Brewery, Bell's Brewery, Woodchuck Cider, Cavalier Distributing, World Class Beverages, Zink Distributing, Pure Beverages, BW3 Downtown