Rock Climbing, Skiing, Painting and ignoring those around me with my skecthbook, Reading in myriad different places, a good scrap everyonce in a while, movies and staying out too late.CREEPS are cool :)
Anyone who's willing to go rock climbing in this heat, all
my usual partners are a bunch of wussys. On that note: all
you cool climbers feel free to add me as your friend and
any one else for that matter as long as your not a
psycho..Oh yeah, I Hope to catch up with all of my old east
coast friends, All you Bostonites, Tufts Grads, SMFA Grads,
D.C folk who I learned how to fight with, New YAKAHS who
taught how to get properly inebriated send me a
line!!! [email protected]......
Hooligan Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
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I'd like to meet someone like the girl I already found..only who likes me and is less insane.
In a Past Life...
You Were: An Insane Magician.
Where You Lived: Italy.
How You Died: Killed in Battle.
Who Were You In a Past Life?
once a punk, always a punk..OK, Bad Brains, Fugazzi, 999, Zappa, Stravinsky (If the rite of spring isn't punk rock, i don't know what is) Jane's Addiction, Rage against etc. I just like music all the time, I ain't terribly picky as long as it's not top 40 pop shit for 12 year olds.
Usual Suspects, Matrix, Donnie Darko, Happiness, Chinese kung fu movies with subtitles, Buster Keaton movies at the silent movie theater, anything by Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick or Bernardo Bertulucci , Roman Holiday, Southpark, 28 days, the Hunted, Metropolis, Eraserhead, I can go on
I like watching snow, it's the only channel I get
and this
'What will your obituary say?' at
Master and the Margarita, Cerebus, The Man who fell to earth, Brave New World, Anything by Dashiell Hammett, currently rediscovering Charels Dickens,Finding new respect for Herman Hesse due to recent events in my life.
Tom Waits, Ben Franklin, My Grand Father Wendell,
Joe Strummer & Ramone, Leonardo, Sargent, Giacometti, Frank Zappa, Paul Klee, Lautrec, Walter Bartman (My High School art teacher and savior of my life)
Tom Waits... charismatic story-teller with a
penchant for freaky people and unusual
settings. You thrive on the concept of the
underdog coming out on top.
Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
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