I have an eclectic love for music especially in it's live form. I also read many books in the personal development area along with biography and autobiography.
Anyone who has a musical talent or who supports such people in any way! I believe I can offer the missing ingredient to inspire people, enabling them to live their dreams rather than dreaming about their lives!
As the Music Life Coach I have certain tools to share with you that will show you how to understand the way your mind, especially your sub-conciuos mind, works. These tools, once understood, can show you how to change yourself from the inside to achieve even more in your life than you've already achieved, musically or otherwise!
To find out how I may be able to help bring your musical talent to the world; or if you yearn to be one of the people behind-the-scenes, who really make a difference in the lives of others, please e-mail me at "[email protected]" or send me a personal message here on My Space.
So now you know who I am: Andrew Smith the Music Life Coach! I'd be honoured if you included me as one of your friends on My Space because, like you, I am here to let people know about me and my unique qualities and talents! :-)
I am primarily a music fan, especially of the live gig. I don't sing or play, but love to see others being passionate about using their musical gifts to entertain. I believe passion is the most endearing and enduring of all human qualities when it is used for good.
Even if you don't see the need for a Life Coach or a Music Life Coach for yourself, maybe you have other friends who will be intrigued and want to check out my profile page. Please take a look around and let me know what you think of my profile and blogs.
Your's in success, keep on keeping on!
Andrew (aka the Music Life Coach)
I love reading biography and especially auto-biography, to get to the heart of what has taken people from where they were to where they wanted to be. I like reading personal development books by authors such as Anthony Robbins and Dr Wayne W Dyer.
John Lennon, David Bowie, Elton John, Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor and Tony Moore.