I am interested in the Truth, the law of attraction, the secret and what the bleep do we know.
People interested in philosophy and science and who have world views but not cemented world views, meaning those always ready for new ideas and who can change their perspective at will. Any one who wan't to help promote the secret and other like material should be my friend.I would also love to hear from any one interested in joining SGR, if you want to know more about the SGR program just ask me, or Go to this web site: http://thesgrprogram.com/?a_aid=70629093
I understand music is good for certain emotional responses.
The secret, What the Bleep do we know, Oceans eleven, twelve and thirteen.
The seven steps to wealth and all the Harry potter books.Check out the SGR Free Report: C:..Documents and Settings..Shaun..My Documents..freereport..Free Report v2_Signed_Rebranded.pdf
Bob Proctor and the late Stan Zemanek.