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Tania Moran

Welcome to the Official Tania Moran MySpace page!

About Me

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Do you have a question you have always wanted to ask me? If you would like to add more questions to those I'm answering here, please send me a message!When is your birthday?
17th October Do you have a fanmail address?
[email protected]
I also have a mailing list that you can find on my profile if you would like to join it.What do you do when you are not performing to relax?
I like to laugh a lot. My favourite way to spend my relaxation time is to watch a comedy show or a funny movie, or spend time with someone that I can laugh with. If I'm alone I like to walk along the beach as the sun rises, read a great book or exercise (dance or yoga and pilates). Most of all I like to spend quiet time with someone special.I have often wondered where other artists draw their inspiration. Who or what is your muse? Why?
I find that a lot of the time I have little choice about what comes out when I'm writing. I can often start with something in mind but once I'm in the creative space, something completely different to that comes out. I love to write about my own life experiences and things that I feel really passionate about. If I write about something that means a lot to me or something I have been through then hopefully other people will be able to make a connection with that too. Love seems to be a common theme in most of my songs!
I'm also inspired by other song writers. I love Sarah MacLachlan, Jem, Suzanne Vega, Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, Travis, Dean Ranel and many other writers, the list could go on and on.
Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment but I love animals. I have owned dogs in the past and I have very special memories of them. They are always happy, they love unconditionally and they are very content with their lives. I'm thinking about getting a bird soon.What is your favourite food?
I love Thai food and Italian. I also have a very sweet tooth and can rarely say no to chocolate.Where do you think you are in terms of your career goals?
It's important to set goals and make them the best that you can dream them to be. Your goals have to excite and motivate you. But once you've set them, you have to accept where you are now and be grateful for how far you've come. You need to stay positive and not pine for what you don't have yet. You have to find a place within yourself where you feel like the goal has already been achieved.
So in answer to your question, I recognise how far I've come and I have determination to never give up. More than anything though, I love living this life where every day is another day closer to achieving my dreams.Are you as famous as you wish to be or think you are?
As I think I am? he he...
Fame isn't my motivation in all of this. I'm not really excited about the thought of paparazzi snapping shots of me about to take a mouthful of food while I'm sitting at a restaurant! I would prefer that never happens to me. This whole music career dream is more about wanting to achieve all that is possible for me in this world.How would you compare yourself to who you think you should (or want to) be?
I think it's important not to compare yourself to anyone. There are certainly people who I would consider to be good role models for me and I use them for inspiration. But if you spend too much time comparing yourself to others, you're really doomed to failure. I respect so many other artists and appreciate their unique, amazing talents. When I was a teenager, I was so discouraged by the beautiful, incredible singers that were out there because I thought that I could never match up to what they were. But then one day I realised that it doesn't matter about anyone else. You have to see the value in your own gifts and realise that everyone has something to give, no matter who you are. All you can do is be the best you can be.
As an artist, people like to know who I am like so they can get an idea of the kind of music I do. Vocally, I'm often compared to Olivia Newton-John and Tina Arena. My music is quite atmospheric. Sade, Seal, Dido, Jem are all artists that I could be compared to...What are you passionate about?
I'm very passionate about children. They are such precious, pure spirits and we have a duty to be as kind to them and respectful of them as we can possibly be. "Ricky" on my album Sanctity is written as something for parents to think about.
I'm also passionate about living a meaningful and peaceful life and being all that I can possibly be. Love and honesty are very important to me too. I also love the freedom of living the life I choose to live and I respect the way others live their lives too.
One of my favourite sayings is "Be the change that you want to see in the world."

Which do you prefer, studio recording or live gig?
I love the studio because it's the time when you hear the rewards of all the hours of creation and recording. It can be pretty hard work and takes a lot of focus and discipline. It's completely different to the live situation but the whole reason I started this recording journey was so that I could perform my songs live. That is where the most amazing feelings of all happen - when you're feeling the energy in a room where everyone is right there with you.
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My Interests


Member Since: 8/3/2005
Band Members: HOW TO BUY A CD:
All prices include postage and handling.If you are shipping
Within Australia: Sanctity AU$15
New Day AU$10
If you are shipping
Internationally (Outside Australia): Sanctity US$17

New Day US$12

Influences: Suzanne Vega, Seal, Sade, Peter Gabriel, Elton John, The Beatles, George Michael, Billy Joel, Kate Bush, Sting, Sarah McLachlan and many more...
Type of Label: None

My Blog

"Promise Yourself"

I found this quote a couple of days ago. I loved it so much I thought I would share it with all of you...*PROMISE YOURSELF*   Promise yourself: To be so strong that nothing can disturb your p...
Posted by Tania Moran on Mon, 12 May 2008 04:06:00 PST

An interesting problem.

Every so often I get lovely messages from people on myspace and when I try to reply, Tom tells me that I can't send a message back because first, I have to be a friend to do so. So then I go to the pa...
Posted by Tania Moran on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 02:40:00 PST

About the Vanguard Show

It was remiss of me to not mention the show at the Vanguard just over a week and a half ago. Many of you have been sending me messages asking how it went - so I thought I should write something here. ...
Posted by Tania Moran on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 12:27:00 PST

Tania live at The Vanguard this Sunday Night.

Join me for an intimate show at one of the most beautiful live venues in Sydney, The Vanguard. I'll be joined by the gorgeous Julianna on cello and vocalist Jess. Live shows are very few and far betwe...
Posted by Tania Moran on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 10:43:00 PST

New Day, the debut album, is here!

It's here! The album that started it all way back in 2004, and has seen a "second coming" with a release in China and Korea this year. It's a CD full of all the good things in life, especially a lot o...
Posted by Tania Moran on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 11:48:00 PST

Listen to Automatic (No Limit)

To celebrate the release of New Day in China and Korea this month, I will be offering the Australian version of the album at a great low price from my profile. I'm just waiting on the sparkling new ar...
Posted by Tania Moran on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:31:00 PST

What Is Christmas?

"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path m...
Posted by Tania Moran on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 10:39:00 PST

Your Favourite Christmas Song?

I'd like to make a Christmas album in time for Christmas 2008. I'm going to include one or two songs I'm writing now but I was curious to hear what you would like to hear on the album. What are your f...
Posted by Tania Moran on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 10:14:00 PST


Here is a picture of our new bunny, taken just last weekend. He's quite at home now as you can see...
Posted by Tania Moran on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:17:00 PST

The show...

Thank you all for your warm birthday wishes and support for the show on Wednesday night. I know most of you are on the other side of the world but I could feel you there in spirit!  And to those ...
Posted by Tania Moran on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:58:00 PST