I grew up in the northern panhandle of West Virginia in a small town named Moundsville. My true muscial beginings started at age 15. I began bass lessons with a local teacher, Al Taylor. I progressed extremely fast.. I got to play out in Al's family band, Spare Change, for Church functions. I started playing guitar in High School at age 17. I was blessed to have some great friends that could play the hell out of a guitar. We would jam in in my buddy Eddie Gongola's garage. This is were I cut my teeth on 80's metal and 70's Rock. My high school bands were Peaceful Thunder, Metal Rat, Vanguard, the Young Ones, and Live Wire. I then attended WLSC to major in Music Education. I studied classical guitar with Dr. Nels Leonard. I was performing with Misty Rocks and then I joined RAMPAGE. I went to local jam sessions at Mr. Z's & at Jaybo's. I got to experience the thrill of getting cut by some of Wheelings best. Roger Hoard being one. (See the december issue of Guitar Player..Mr. Paisley calls him a Rock god..I call him a great friend). They others were Uncle Eddie, Cosmic Lou (Jazz Flute master), Kelly Jones, Denny Fitzpatrick, John Danner, Tim Siedler, Scott Elliot,"Mad" Max, John Phillips, Johnny Rienbolt, Dana Clovis...so many....all top notch players. We drank "breakfast" and I got to learn from the best. I was the only metal player to gradute from Mr. Z's school of music with Honors....and a bad liver!!!!I also started teaching at C.A. House Music. I worked on local demos for Brett Cain & Cheryl Hawk. I then released my first solo effort...Emotions. It was a instrumental demo that got me a partial scholorship to Berklee College of Music. Runes was my second solo project with Tim Aymar on vocals. Tim left to front Control Denied the new name for the band DEATH. I performed with local artist...Blackwell,the Clay Band, 80 Degrees, & Jest'r. I decided to return to teaching. For me teaching was very helpful in getting my chops back up. I also got to hear new music and styles of playing that inspired me................................................
have always been the REBEL..........So, playing Country music is my latest adventure. I am relocated to Nashville, TN. Music City is the true center of the musical universe. I have meet a few good industry people and made some connections to musicians, producers, song writers, and record reps........................................................
I am currently playing lead guitar for Kacy Fox. I am very excited to be playing with the calibier of musicians that Kacy has in her band........................................................
..........................................................I own a blonde Dr. Z Carmen Gia 1-12(blue celestion) amplifier. I use Keeley pedals with George L's cables. They are a great American company and I am proud to use their product. Keeley has also added me to their list of many great artists. Big Bends Nut Sauce & Spectraflex Cables has come on board too. I also use Pedaltrain and Dunlop. I am currently using Dunlop strings (10-46) and custom picks with my name. Visual Sound Pedals has added me to the fine list of players that use their great product. I purchased a Workhorse the Stallion 60W 212...this amp is great...it is what I have been searching for...clean tube amp that lets you color your sound with your choice of effects. I am going to make a total Visual Sound board with Pedaltrain and George L's cable. I am very proud to endorse these Great Amreican companies...
Check out Big Bends site to see pictures of me and a quote from Jeff.
..........................................................I have a Pedaltrain Pro mounted with, in order, Keeley Compressor - Keeley Katana clean boost - Keeley phat mod Blues Driver - Keeley mod plus TS9 - Keeley Java Boost -MXR EVH phase 90 -Voodoo Lab tremolo - Ibanez AD9 - Ernie Ball VP Jr volume -Boss TU-2(this wired to my volume pedal) - Boss DD-3. This is all powered by two Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 plus units. It sounds like a lot of effects but everything is used and has a purpose..........
My second smaller board is going to be a Pedaltrain Jr. with Viual Sounds pedals exclusively. An H20, the Jekyll & Hyde, and the visual volume...all connected with blue George L's cable.The most important part of my sound is my Crook Custom Guitars. BC paints, assembles, wires, and sets up every aspect of his guitars. Bill Crook builds the best guitar ...PERIOD!!!!!! I have a blue sparkle tele with all the bells & whistles. My latest edition is a silver sparkle esquire. I can not imagine playing any other guitars. I am in the process of getting a special guitar from BC. We are working on a guitar that will showcase my Shredbilly style.......................................................
I hope Y'all enjoy my site.