Visual Sound profile picture

Visual Sound


About Me

Visual Sound is a cutting-edge Boutique Effects pedal and Amplifier Company based in Spring Hill, Tennessee. Owned and operated by master effects wiz Bob Weil, Visual Sound is carving out new and fresh ideas for the world of professional musicians worldwide. Started in the mid 90s, Visual Sound has grown from a one-man operation to having many employees, including the incredibly talented genius of master engineer R. G. Keen. Together with Bob they are breaking new ground with their creations.
Check out all that Visual Sound has to offer and the many Artists who use our products both on the road and in the studio by going on our website at
Above is from Keith Urban's World Tour program guide. Not only are Visual Sound's pedals a major part of both the main stage and the extension stage of Keith's show, featuring our friend Chris Rodriguez on guitar and background vocals, but the Visual Sound 1SPOT helps to power all the pedal boards as well.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/24/2006
Band Website:

That’s right… start saving your dimes because what you see is about to explode right before your very eyes. The NEXT generation of pedals from Visual Sound are just about to become available. Can they be better than the originals? EMPHATICALLY & EXPONENTIALLY! We’re not just releasing old pedals with a new look… Bob has cracked the Champagne bottle over these babies and christened them “V2”! We have kept a tight wrap on them until now, but the time for arrival is just weeks away. Can’t stand it can you? Well… neither can we. The ultimate line from the ultimate boutique pedal and amp company… Visual Sound of course!

In loving memory of our good friend, and mascot, Samson, who left us all behind today on Wednesday, February 27, 2008... all of us here at Visual Sound will miss his wonderful antics and daily visits and his long walks outside... He was a blessing to us all... especially to Momma Weil, who will miss him more than any of us ever could. Peace Sammy!
Type of Label: None

My Blog


I just returned from an around the world trip, visiting our factories in China to get our new pedals into production and checking up on quality control, visiting our distributor in Singapore, taking a...
Posted by Visual Sound on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 02:04:00 PST

Bob BLoG 2

Here is the next installment of the Bob Blog. As I was thinking about what I wanted to say, I thought it would be great if I could get all of you to give me some feedback and really make this whole Bl...
Posted by Visual Sound on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 12:37:00 PST

BoBbLoG .1

BobBlog September, 2006 Welcome to Visual Sound on MySpace! To get things rolling I figured I would start a BobBlog a few words from yours truly about the company I founded way back at the beginning ...
Posted by Visual Sound on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:50:00 PST