SOONERS profile picture


New live CD & DVD will be released in April!!

About Me

SOONERS is bringing a new wave to the Japanese music scene. They have vitality, they have the groove, and most of all, they have all the love for what they do. "When you see them live, you will know. Their show is full of fun, energy, and lot’s of love. Their lyrics have a strong possitive message." Their fans would say. Winner of Best Band Award for Tokyo Band Summit 2007, they have impressed the audience with outstanding live performance. In December, they released a new live CD and DVD set, including their new mix recording of the song "Sun and Wave" featuring Steph Pockets (amazing rap singer). SOONERS has also gone international, appearing in an Italian fashion magazine L’UOMO VOGUE (October 2007 issue). They performed live at Asian band festival "Asian Beat 2008" in Taiwan on March 9th.
When you visit Japan, be sure to catch SOONERS for great entertainment!

This myspace page is 100% run and operated by us. We read EVERY message and make every effort to reply to as many as possible. Please be mindful that it’s just not possible for us to respond to every comment or message. That said, keep ’em coming because we love to hear from you and we actually listen.
Great news! Our songs have finally gone digital! They are now available for download on iTunes , Ruckus (For college students), (no audio clip), GroupieTunes (ringtones), Napster , Napster JP , GreatIndieMusic , and PayPlay . Check them out, and we’d truly appreciate if you could post some reviews and comments. Please let us know how you like it!
check it out↓↓↓


Sooners was formed in 1999 with five members Kei(vocal/ guitar), Nao(vocal/ guitar), Mitch(bass), Matio(lead guitar), and Kei’s younger brother Gaja-G(drums) all former basketball teammates in high-school. They won the regional basketball tournament in Kanagawa prefecture. Gaja-G was famous for being a tough competitor of Yuta Tabuse (ex NBA) and he met superstars Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley in a private basketball lecture in Japan.
When the band began they were heavily influenced by The Beatles, Jellyfish, Fool’s Garden and especially The Merrymakers, whom they called the "3 minutes pop-rock" bands. The band was formerly named "Snowball" and after several changes of names, finally became "Sooners", a name given to them by The Merrymakers (The two bands later meet when The Merrymakers came to Japan). Sooners first began by selling demo tapes at street live shows. Eventually the band’s pop color was lessened and replaced by new influences from USA alternative rock bands such as Stroke9, Third Eye Blind, Vertical Horizon, Better than Ezra,etc. In 2002, they came out with their self-produced first album "Painter" with a message that "musician’s life is like a painter who draws on the white canvas". The album sold 1000 copies and was sold out, mainly through street live shows in different areas of Tokyo, Kawasaki, and Yokohama. With enthusiastic support from people of Kawasaki (their local town), they pulled off an live event "Sonomukouni" at Club Citta’ Kawasaki selling over 700 tickets, and ended with great success. The following year 2004 they return to Club Citta’ to perform in front of 800 people. In 2005, their long awaited second album "Plug In" is released in Tower Records and other major record stores, with the help of a distributing company. The same year, they enter a contest (first contest entered) "Yamaha Tokyo Band Summit 2005" and bring home "The Best Vocalist" and "The Best Audience" Awards. They return to Tokyo Band Summit 2006, this time winning "KDDI designing studio Award" (KDDI, one of the major cell phone carriers in Japan, who was the contest sponsor) they get a radio commercial song tie-up and "ONE LOVE" is ranked No. 1 seven weeks straight for Lismo (KDDI au’s music download service) from Jan to March of 2007. Other TV tie-ups include "Run to the Blue Sky", a supporters’ song for Kawasaki Frontale a pro soccer team in Japan (J-League). Sooners are CURRENTLY looking for labels and record deals!!
実の兄弟であるリーダーでヴォーカル、ギタ ーのKeiichiと、ドラムのTakeshiが父の影響でア㠂³ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒ†ã‚£ãƒƒã‚¯ã‚®ã‚¿ãƒ¼ã‚’弾き始めたのが2人が まだ中学生のときだった。2人はプロのバス゠±ãƒƒãƒˆãƒœãƒ¼ãƒ«é¸æ‰‹ã‚’目指しながら、お遊びで〠Œä¸­åŽŸå›³æ›¸é¤¨ã€ã¨ã„うアコースティックユニムƒãƒˆã‚’çµæˆã€‚é«˜æ ¡ã«ãªã£ã¦ãƒã‚¹ã‚±ãƒƒãƒˆãƒœãƒ¼ãƒ«éƒ ¨ã«å…¥ã‚Šã€ãƒ¡ãƒ³ãƒãƒ¼ã®Naoyuki, Mitsumasa, Tsutomuに逢う。共に厳しい部活生活を過ごし〠ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ ã¯çœŒå¤§ä¼šå„ªå‹ãªã©ã®æˆç¸¾ã‚’収めたが〠Keiichiは現役中、キャプテンを務めるも2度の 膝靭帯断裂によりバスケット選手の夢をあき らめた。
高校卒業後、それぞれの道に進むが、仲の良 かったメンバーは「バンドでもやろうか!」 とKeiichiã®ãã‚Œã¾ã§æ›¸ã„ã¦ã„ãŸæ›²ã‚’è´ã„ã¦æ„æ° —投合。全く楽器に触れたことのない状態か゠‰éŸ³æ¥½äººç”ŸãŒã‚¹ã‚¿ãƒ¼ãƒˆã—た。1年ほどでライブ㠂’2回おこない、Keiichiのアメリカ留学が決ま゠Šãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰æ´»å‹•ã¯ã»ã¼è§£æ•£ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªä¼‘止状態にだªã‚‹ã€‚しかし、Keiichiã¯ã‚¢ãƒ¡ãƒªã‚«ã§å¤¢ã‚’è¿½ã†å­¦ç ”Ÿé”に影響され、「自分の本当にやりたいこ㠁¨ã¯æ—¥æœ¬ã§ãƒ—ロのミュージシャンになること㠀ã ã¨è¨€ã£ã¦ã€1年で帰国。バンドを再活動に 導いた。バンド名も何度か変更したが、以前 から大ファンであったスウェーデンのポップ ロックバンド「THE MERRYMAKERS」とE-mailでコンタクトがとれたのを㠂­ãƒƒã‚«ã‚±ã«ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰åã‚’彼らに付けてもらえる㠁“とに。「THE SOONERS」(以来、今でも彼らとの親交は深い)。
David(the merrymakers) and Gaja-G
2002年自主制作1stアルバム「Painter」を発売。㠂¿ã‚¤ãƒˆãƒ«æ›²ã®ã€ŒPainter」や「弱虫」、Naoyukiã®æ­ Œã†ã€Œãƒ–レーキ」「そっと」が人気曲になる〠‚地道なストリートライブや、ライブハウスだ§æ‰‹å£²ã‚Šã—1年半で1000æžšã‚’å®Œå£²ã•ã›ãŸã€‚ã“ã®é  ƒã‹ã‚‰ã€éŸ³æ¥½æ€§ã¯ã€ŒBetter Than Ezra」や「Stroke9」「Vertical Horizon」「Third Eye Blind」といったアメリカのバンドに傾倒して㠁„く。2003年には川崎にある1300人キャパのラ゠¤ãƒ–ハウスCLUB CITTA’ にて無謀にも自主企画のイベントを敢行し、 700人動員した。2004年はCLUB CITTA’にて「風味堂」「千綿ヒデノリ」「 Phones」などメジャーバンドの集うイベントに オープニングアクトとして参加。800人以上の 前で演奏する。
2005å¹´2ndアルバム「PLUG INã€ã«ã¦ã¤ã„ã«ã‚¤ãƒ³ãƒ‡ã‚£ãƒ¼ã‚ºã‚ˆã‚Šå…¨å›½ç™ºå£²ã€‚é Ÿ³æ¥½æ€§ã®è»¢æ›ã‹ã‚‰ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰åã®è¡¨è¨˜ã‚’「SOONERS」 に変更した。
ツインヴォーカルやTsutomuのギター、Mitsumasaだ¨Takeshiのリズム隊の確立で同アルバムはオリ㠂¸ãƒŠãƒªãƒ†ã‚£ã®ä¸­ã«æ´‹æ¥½ã¸ã®æ†§ã‚Œã‚‚垣間見える㠂µã‚¦ãƒ³ãƒ‰ã¨ã—て各方面で高い評価を得る。特㠁«ãƒ„インヴォーカルの際立つ曲「Vitality」はSO ONERSのライブ歴代No.1の人気曲となる。アルバ ム最後を飾るのは平和を願ったメッセージソ ング「春よ来い」。この曲はミュージシャン 仲間のフジモトタカコや吉岡宏之、Tahnyaが参 加してくれた。この年行われたYAMAHA TOKYO BAND SUMMIT2005にて収録曲の「GLOBE」で見事「ベスト ヴォーカリスト賞」と「オーディエンス賞」 の2つを受賞。
自主企画イベント「LUCKY PUNCH」をスタート。ワンマンライブを吉祥寺P LANET Kで行い、後にDVDを発売。
2006年はとにかくライブパフォーマンスで高だ„評価を得るようになる。特に「LUCKY PUNCH vol.3」は最高潮に盛り上がった。2006年ワンマ ンライブ「EVERYONE LOVE SOMEONE」では3時間の熱演で感動的な一夜にな㠂‹ã€‚この日のために書き下ろした曲「EVERYONE LOVE SOME」は、現在もSOONERSの代表曲となっている㠀‚
2005年に続きYAMAHA TOKYO BAND SUMMIT2006に出場し、ライブで人気のある「ONE LOVE」というPOPな楽曲で「KDDI DESIGNING STUDIO賞」"特別賞"を受賞し、TOKYO FMの「SCHOOL OF LOCK」番組の途中で流れるKDDIラジオCMタイアムƒãƒ—が決定。同時に「ONE LOVE」の着うたフル無料ダウンロードプレゼム³ãƒˆé–‹å§‹ã€‚のちに(2007å¹´å¹´é ­)LISMO MUSIC STOREダウンロードランキング7週連続1ä½ã‚’ç²å¾ —。
同年11月に初のアコースティックアルバム「H eavenly all day」を発売。普段のバンドとは違う一面の見 える優しいアルバムが反響を呼んでいる。
個人的にはKeiichiã‚„Naoyukiのソロライブや、Take shiがフジモトタカコ、吉岡宏之、Tahnya、サル ーキ=などのレコーディングを行ったりしてだ„る。
2007年には、2nd album発売当時から歌い続けている、地元J1サムƒã‚«ãƒ¼ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ ã€Œå·å´Žãƒ•ãƒ­ãƒ³ã‚¿ãƒ¼ãƒ¬ã€ã®å¿œæ´ã‚½ãƒ ³ã‚°ã€Œrun to the blue sky」がCATV(YOUtv,It’s COM,J:COMせたまち)の番組「SUKI!SUKI!フロンター㠃¬ã€ã®ãƒ†ãƒ¼ãƒžã‚½ãƒ³ã‚°ã«ãªã‚‹ã€‚
7月、仲の良い4バンドで合同主催イベント〠ŒGOOD MUSIC is GOOD」を開催。
8月に行った2007年のワンマンライブ「PUSH」は 、初の渋谷O-CRESTで満員御礼の大成功となり〠ã“の日のライブをCD&DVDにパッケージして2 007年年末に発売した。
世界中でトップファッション雑誌と評される 「L’UOMO VOGUE」10月号(2007å¹´)にインタビューが掲載さ゠Œã€ä¸–界デビューを果たす。
11月、YAMAHA × KDDI TOKYO BAND SUMMIT2007ã«ã¦ã€æ‚²é¡˜ã®ã€Œãƒ™ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰è³žã€ã‚’å —賞。審査員の「西川進さん、ROLLYさん、HIMAWA RIさん」には大絶賛のコメントをいただいた㠀‚
応募曲となった「SUN AND WAVE」は、日本でも大人気のフィラデルフィ゠¢å‡ºèº«ã®å¥³æ€§ãƒ©ãƒƒãƒ‘ー「STEPH POCKETS」という大物ゲストをフィーチャリン゠°ã—、ライブCDのラストにスタジオテイクの新 曲として収録されている。
そして現在も、都内や横浜などのライブハウ スを中心に、地道なストリートライブも継続 している。
一人でも多くの人に聴いてほしい唄があるか ら、立ち止まらずに走り続ける2008年。

1st album "Painter" 2002.
including 10 songs. "Painter, Brake" and more...
2nd album "PLUG IN" 2005.
including 12 songs. "PLUG IN, Vitality" and more...
Acoustic album "Heavenly all day" 2006.
including 10 songs. "I wanna be with you, Globe" and more..."

"MUSIC" (a video clip from our new DVD [PUSH]) has been moved to our blog. THANKS!


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copy and paste the code below into your profile:

My Interests


Member Since: 1/19/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

KEIICHI SUZUKI (Kei) Lead Vocal, Guitars

NAOYUKI SHIMURA (Naoyuki-Man) Lead Vocal, Guitars



TAKESHI SUZUKI (Gaja-G) Drums, Percussion

click photos to read member’s blog (sorry, in Japanese only).
Influences: 【BAND】 The Merrymakers, Stroke 9, Better Than Ezra, The Clarks, Third Eye Blind, Sister Hazel, The Beatles, Semisonic, Jellyfish, Fool's Garden, Matchbox 20, Sugar Ray, Counting Crows, Blink-182, The Verve Pipe, Maroon5, Marvelous3, Fountains Of Wayne, Barenaked Ladies, Train, Goo Goo Dolls, Hootie & The Blowfish, Dashboard Confessional, Neve, The Offspring, Del Amitri, Green Day, Foo Fighters, The Knack, Fastball, Evrything, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Presidents Of The United State Of America, Geoff Moore & the distance, Lucky Boys Confusion, Grand Funk Railroad, Dixie Chicks, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jars Of Clay, Queen, Bottle Of Justus, Everclear, Even And Jaron, Hello Dave, Nirvana, Sublime, Lit, The Posies, Redd Kross, The Wallfrowers, Blues Traverer, Nine Days, サルーキ--, ALLaNHiLLZ, Blossom, Tahnya, 円人図, 和ボックス, duke, the ROCOS, ブルーコイサンズ, LIBB!HOLLYWOOD
【SOLO】 Josh Kelly, Dave Barnes, Marc Broussard, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Jason Folkner, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Keaton Simons, Jack Johnson, Amos Lee, Matt Wertz, Butch Walker, Bruce Springsteen, Christopher Jak, Sarah Mclachlan, Five For Fighting, Ryan Cabrera, Eagle-Eye-Cherry, Rob Thomas, Matthew Sweet, New Radicals, Jewel, Bob Marley, Jonny Lang, Steph Pockets, Brian Adams, Ryan Adams, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Matt Nathanson, Howie Day, Teiter, Duncan Shiek, Eddie Reader, Mat Kearney, Ari Hest, Michael Tolcher, 岡林 信康, 高田 渡, 吉田 拓郎, 吉岡 宏之, フジモト タカコ, Can'no
【SONG WRITING】 Kevin Griffin, Luke Esterkyn, Scott Blasey, Stephan Jenkins, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Dan Wilson, Butch Walker, Matt Scannell, Geoff Moore, Rob Thomas
【VOCAL】 Rob Thomas, Kevin Griffin, Luke Esterkyn, Scott Blasey, Matt Scannell, Butch Walker, Adam Duritz, Jakob Dylan, Pat Monahan, Josh Kelly, Ken Block
【DRUMMER】Steve Gadd, Steve Jordan, Matt Chamberlain, Andy Sturmer, Chad Smith, Brad Hargreaves, Travis A. McNabb, Ed Toth , Mike Musburger, Vinnie Colaiuta, Terry Bozzio, 小林和弘, 日高敦, 伊藤強, 今村慎太郎
【GUITARIST】 Kevin Cadogan
【PRODUCER & MIXER】 Brendan O'Brien, T-Bone-Burnett, Don Girmore, Matt Serletic, Steve Lillywhite, Matt Wallace, Mark Endert, Jerry Harrison, Mitchell Froom, Jack Joseph Puig, Don McCollister, Don Was, Patrick Leonard, Rick Rubin, Nick Didia, Julian Raymond, Jeff Juliano, A.P.Alexakis, Stephan Jenkins, John Alegia, Rob Cavallo, Jerry fin, Gil Norton, Ed Cash, Ethan Allen, Neal Avron, Ethan Johns, Tom Lord-Alge, Bob Clearmountain, Chris Lord-Alge, Andy Wallace
【MASTER】Bob Ludwig, Ted Jensen, Stephen Marcussen

Sounds Like: 【International】
Two lead vocals styled Pop Rock band. We bring you fun, energizing, emotional, sentimental, whatever you may call it.. .just loads of totally cool ROCK!!

ツインボーカルスタイルのポップソング。 時に熱くエモーショナルに、時に陽気に、時 に涙腺がゆるみそうに... 「カッコよければOK!」そんなロックを謳 う5人組み。

2nd album "PLUG IN" is now available at
Also downloadable on mp3.

Purchase CD "PLUG IN". *for Japanese residents only.
↓click here

T-Shirts are currently out of stock.
Will be available in April.

$25.00/ 2,500 yen (shipping included)

$25.00/ 2,500 yen (shipping included)

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Check out our new song "Kick Off"

Hey guys!"Kick Off" is up on our music player again.  Enjoy!Sooners
Posted by SOONERS on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:15:00 PST

"MUSIC"(a video clip from our new DVD [PUSH])!!!

MUSIC .....
Posted by SOONERS on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 08:27:00 PST

Check our pics!! We uploaded over 400 pics of ASIAN BEAT 2008 in Taiwan!!!

We picked up some pics for slide show. ...
Posted by SOONERS on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:36:00 PST

Uploaded our new song "Sun and Wave featuring Steph Pockets"!

Hi everyone!We finally upped our new song "Sun and Wave" on our music player. Please come check it out! This is a very special version featuring the incredibleSteph Pockets!  This speci...
Posted by SOONERS on Sat, 01 Mar 2008 07:14:00 PST

Message to every new friends and everyone!!

Hello new friends and eveyone else who have visisted our page!    First of all, we would like to appologize for the bad response to your friend requests and adds.  We are...
Posted by SOONERS on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 05:29:00 PST

the madding crowd / nine days

Sn¢ëÐàkúc_noêTnó}‚a‡FiâÛ’ÎHfD_2000t`c_]nñn³óÓËgФȒWf D_ÕoJ—n ÚgÓëÜüÉTOP40’ÎåtDfDfSn¢ëÐànÕ¡ü¹È·ó°ë ABSOLUTELY LA ŒfM_ XOñn³óÓËgÍDfD_áóÐühWMŠk BnòKcSDDˆm h cfD_n’®kšHfD‹] nŒYPk¤ó¿üÍÃÈgÐóÉ’¿yf...
Posted by SOONERS on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 06:57:00 PST

yourself or someone like you / matchbox 20

EkÖí°’•?Y‹MÞn#$ìÓåüK‰oh“LBDfW~c_LÊåo'}Mj¢ëÐàn‹’øOngâ kÆó·çóL LcfD‹]Œkf‚ÊÞn¢ëÐào¿¤Èë’tD_`QgDDsg D~U‰ hêÖqkF gBF¢ëÐà`]F~UkD~U‰ F(øO)~g‚jD' änMatchbox 20nÇÓåü¢ëÐà yourself or someone like...
Posted by SOONERS on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 06:19:00 PST

Sooners won BEST BAND AWARD!

Great news!  We are so excited and honored to say, we won the BEST BAND AWARD for "Tokyo Band Summit 2007"!!!  The contest grand final live was held at Yokohama, yesterda...
Posted by SOONERS on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 08:55:00 PST

Another Happy Ending / The clarks

SnÖí°’­“gD_`Df‹†U“JCgYK?ÊåoEn•?cfShg~_~_ÞˢïkìÓåüWaƒD~Y( )gogo†cOŠ_nW“gThe clarksSnÐóÉ ’å,gåcf‹ºLiŒ{iD‹nKkjcf‹ÊåSn()¢áê«goP˺LB‹L å,go·çÃ×knKŒf‚DjD¶ÁjDmG|‰oÔÃÄÐü°nÐóÉg‚FZDv“wD­ãꢒcfD‹ ...
Posted by SOONERS on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 05:59:00 PST


k šS“j¢ëÐà’\Œ_‰]“j¨kF¢ëÐàL_~kB‹Êå“jk9ËY‹¢ëÐào]“j š` JEWELn»«óÉ¢ëÐà SPIRIT SnìÓåü’øOkB_cf9f#$n¯ì¸ÃÈjikî’WfÓà ¯êW_“`QiSn¢ëÐàkúcfK‰‚FYPtkjFhWf‹‰WDZDv“Lc_jASn¢ëÐ àoÕn-goٹȢ³ü¹Æ£Ã¯¢ë...
Posted by SOONERS on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 08:28:00 PST