Joey profile picture


cereal killers... Got Milk?

About Me

couple pictures of where I have been so far in this journey of mine... I hope you enjoy them and if you think you know a spot I have been let me know. :) Im currently looking to go someplace warm where the water is clear. I love to scuba and just cant seem to get enough of it. :) The other thing I have been lucky enough to do is spend some quality time beta testing some new video games. I must say, things sure have changed alot since the days of Ultima 1 on the atari 800xl... I signed up for another beta test today, I hate when I find out about them after the fact. Wow I went to one of the funnest concerts I have been to in a long time. The band was called Gogol Bordello, a Romanian Folk Punk Band. The energy was insane! If your a PsYcHo or the Pyramid dude(ett) please leave me be. I spend all my money on booze and travel. :)
There's two ways to end up with this result. Either you picked the silliest possible answer to each question, or you answered honestly, and happen to be hyperactive, manic, loon. Assuming you answered honestly, your profile is as follows: You are the 100-sided dice, also known as the legendary Zocchihedron. You are the bit of data that registers so far off the chart that the average person doesn't even know you exist. You are desperate for attention and will get it any way you can. Your jokes have the lowest laugh ratio, but you go for quantity, not quality. Once you get started on a pointless tangent, it takes a group effort to bring you back to reality and make you shut up. You are a distraction who is permanently distracted. You consider yourself silly and entertaining, but everyone else complains about how lame and annoying you are. The one secret they aren't telling you, is how they sometimes actually miss the noise when you're gone.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Make Your Own

Make Your Own

Make Your Own

See more of my pictures here:

you can view them here

My favorite phone messages:

you can download the track from here

My Blog

the weather

oh the weather has just been wonderful here.  it rained fora couple days and some places south of here flooded.  :(  I feel bad when things like that happen but like all things in life...
Posted by Joey on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 08:38:00 PST

going out for a drive this weekend

I wil be sure to take lots of pictures of the drive so I can share w all my friends! btw the convertable, much better than a motorcycle.. :) Peace, Joey...
Posted by Joey on Fri, 18 May 2007 10:24:00 PST

and the decision is in

I got the convertable after all..  2001 Camero Convtable  :)  
Posted by Joey on Thu, 03 May 2007 04:31:00 PST

mototcycle or convertable... thats the question.

Oh the summer time is upon us, now the terrible questions.. Do I get a motorcycle or a convertable.. In all my reading I see that cyclist are 60% more likely to be fataly injured in an accident.. So d...
Posted by Joey on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 09:21:00 PST


I am trying to find some good bands to go see live. I love the energy when you listen to the music in a crowd.  If you have a favorite or think your bands got that kind of vibe let me know. ...
Posted by Joey on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 02:45:00 PST

damn its cold as hell

what am i doing living in this frozen waste land again.. its so cold you dont want to go outside.. its 60 degrees warmer in my fridge for gods sake... MY MILK IS WARMER THAN ME!  Arghhh.  ...
Posted by Joey on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 08:39:00 PST