Friends from my past and present. =) [I'm literally finding everyone and their mothers on here] O_O
(I love all different genres of music).
The OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL!!!(I've been a die-hard fan, thanks to my dad, since I was 5. I will FOREVER Bleed Scarlet and Grey!)2002 National Champs!GO BUCKS! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SURVIVOR (I friggin' LOVE this show!!! Been A HUGE fan since the beginning... and will Continue to be a HUGE fan until it stops airing)DATELINE/PRIMETIME/20-20: I lump these three shows all in one simply because I LOVE it, and they're all very similar.And of course: Ohio State Football. =)
Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is high.
You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.
And in return, you expect the same from who you love.
Any sign of straying, and you'll end things.
Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!
Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.
Your independence is low.
This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..
It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.
In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together.
The Five Variable Love Test
Anyone who's gone through Trials and Tribulations, but have ultimately come out on top.