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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I've achieved GOD consciousness at a very early stage in my life and it got lost. That consciousness has returned. This is not a coincedence that you're reading this. Everything happens for a reason. I love you and I see beauty and perfection in everyone and everything created but do we take full responisbility for things lost beyond your control? The answer to that is no! It's others who have faltered because others reflect who we are, unless you already know your indivuality and see past differences. It's time we all awaken to what's really going on in our lives and do something about it! We are all GOD and can achieve God consciousness by realizing that we're all one, connected to each other. We are here to inspire and not to be transparent. We all need to be positive leaders and not misery follwers. People who are miserable isn't your fault, remember, they take out their angst on you!!! I'm a natural born positive leader. I am a warrior and fighter for truth, justice, and the America way. I just brought both 30 Seconds to Mars CDs about 2 months ago. I've known they were out for years because I've known about Jared Leto about 15 years ago and I've always admired him but something told me to get them. They have changed my life forever and made me realize who I am. My awakening just began. My name and who I am means a bird and rendered of Mars and "casually" warlike. Ever heard of the Phoenix? Or Better yet..Phoenix Lights that happened in March of 1997? I helped manifested that sighting in Sun Valley over 3 states with the ETs. That "event" played out in my head days before it happened. I have many lucid real dreams of myself flying in real-time with ETs. I can call them and they will come. Anyone of you can do this. I'm on this crusade to help save the world from itself, from the human condition so we can evolve to beauty and perfection globally! That is my goal and it will be done. We have others out there fighting for the truth. Personally, I am a perfectionist and I want perfection. I will get what I want, eventually. I always do! And this belongs to us...Trust and believe that we will get it. Most who do ACTUALLY know the truth, makes them cry. The truth has made grown men cry, quite frankly, so have I. I'm not afraid of crying because it's a natural emotion. Obiviosly, I'm not afraid of anything or anyone. I cried because those people who have done certain things to our soul...will be punished, if they haven't already asked for forgiveness. The time is now! It's a tragic story but we have a happy ending. It's coming soon. I'm 1 of those real people. I'm loyal, honest and trustworthy. I just don't get down with bullshit or lying. My life is all about truth, love, helping people, and making my life worth something. I know who I am and what I want...perfection & beauty in everyone's life. I'm working hard so we all will have a future. A positive future where everyone loves everyone and everyone gets everything they ever wanted in life. It's just a matter of time.I'm a special kind of person that has always had people love me especially the extraterrestrials, they sensed my innocense at a very young age when I took on an Earthly body form. More about me...I have a positive, go-getter attitude, I know how to dress well & loves it! I love fashion! One would say fashion is an art! I have goals, dreams and aspirations to help save the world and choose you all to become an ambassodors of the universe to your ET friends, they are your allies. And that will happen very soon! I enjoy writing poems and songs about everything, mostly spirituality and love. I know how to communicate very well and am very talkative only when there's something good to talk about. I am definately NOT afraid of taking risks because life is all about taking risks. And I'm definately NOT afraid of people and speaking my mind and no one should. I'm VERY clean, neat, and orginazed. I'm not promiscious and has NEVER cheated on anyone, which means I'm very VERY loyal. I love to hug, kiss and cuddle mainly but who knows, I'm pretty innocent. I am maternal(but in a masculine way) I will adopt a child or have a surrogate child in my future. Hopefully both. I'm orginally from New Jersey. Then I moved here and became deeply involved in the club/party scene because I got bored with life and plus the object of my affections was engaged. Highly impressionable scene. I got mixed up with a lot of beautiful souls. I had the time of my life for about 4 years. I was completley bonkers!!! But it was time for a change. Now, I'm focused on the future and keeping my faith strong in who I am and what my purpose to this planet is...the ETs choose me to become their friend over the years and why I'm the great prophet...to help save the world. Every single issue we face now comes to them helping us from ourselves and it will happen soon. Watch the video under (who'd I like to meet, it's only 4 mins long) I finally became Vegan on my birthday last year. It sounded like a cult but it's 1 of the most important decisions of my life. I would advise anyone to stop eating meat/flesh. Those of U who continue to eat meat after reading this are people who support murderers & murders. Animals are living so yeah, it's killing. Just because it's being done, it doesn't make it right and you shouldn't support it. Animals are living creatures too. It's inhumane, unjustifyable & cruel. To love all God's creatures is to love yourself. They are a part of you. You may not want to believe it but it's the truth. Animals on Earth for are living & not dying from cruelty, that is the reason why they have life and took on a physical earthly form. Put yourself in their world, you wouldn't want someone to do that to u if they're hungry. Think about the violence and the process animals go through to reach inside your body. You will live a longer, healthy life w/o supporting this sicking nonsense. You love animals why would you eat them. They have personalities & are social just like pets & people. You wouldn't dare eat your pet or another person. Open up inside and think outside the box, please grow up & stop this foolishness. Eating dead flesh IS cannibalism, quite frankly...it's revolting. The point I'm making is iggnorance is bliss. Please have peace, love, unity and respect for all creatures. I actually wasn't a big meat eater anyway and now it's nothing I care do it ever again. Besides, they have Vegetarian eveything, so I eat well. The awakening has begun for you! PROVEHITO IN ALTUM which means "Reach for the heights / Launch forth into the deep" in latin. Read the blogs for God honest truth. I always keep it real! That's why I was put here. I have to let you know the truth. This is a test of your will...are you a warrior or are you a fool?
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My Interests

My calling in life to be a leader in a lot of different ways. Saving souls on Earth is very important to me. My passion in the whole Human/ET relationship has blossomed over the past couple of months because I almost forgot who I was and my purpose. My goal is to make awareness & reality known the right way and not the information about it that was told or looked up off the internet or seen in movies. You have "Lightworkers" out there doing the best they can and will succeed. I live for making the best out of homes because it all begins within. It was "in the cards" for me. I'd do it for anyone because it's my passion in life. Music is a BIG part of my life, I live for singing, performing and dancing. Spirituality of course is another major part of my life! We're all connected in that aspect. I'm also into going to the gym when I can and working it out! Then I also love art,traveling,fine wine,shopping for clothes(My biggest pet peev, I always like to continue looking cute & sexy! lol),meeting new ppl,theme parks,fashion,reading books,transcendental meditation,nutrition,swimming,cooking,entertaining guest, being enviromentally friendly

I'd like to meet:



I have a various select taste in music. I'm not color or gender blind. I hear music for what it does to a person's soul, not by who it comes from.


I'm in love with anything 80s movies cause that was the era I grew up in and of course, anything Capricorn has been in. I like the new films, but 80s was the best! Legend, The Never Ending Story, The Dark Crystal, The Lost Boys, The Goonies, Labyrinth, Flight of the Navigator, The Chronicles of Narnia, ET, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Tron, Clash of The Titans, Indiana Jones & The Temple of Doom, The Return to Oz, Big Trouble in Little China, The Shining, Blade Runner, A Clockwork Orange, Pink Floyd The Wall , The Breakfast Club, Little Shop of Horrors, Less Than Zero, The Color Purple, Masters of the Universe, Willow, Dream a Little Dream, Stand By Me, The Last Emperor, The Last Dragon, Solarbabies, Empire of the Sun, The Golden Compass, Goove, Human Traffic, Go, One Perfect Day,The Phoenix Lights,Capturing The Light


I don't watch TV. This is how to change the world...


The Bible,The Ultimate Interior Designer,The Devil Wears Prada,The Millionaire Mind,Facing Your Giants,How To Open The Door TO Your Future,Of Mice And Men,Hidden Truth:Forbidden Knowledge,Cosmos of the soul:A wake-up call for humanity, still reading The Argus Apocraphex



My Blog

The Pheonix

The Pheonix The Pheonix is a mystical bird that is said to be the rise of something amazing and spiritual in the cosmos. A bird thats going to change people's faith on Earth. The Pheonix represents i...
Posted by GOD on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 05:30:00 PST

Scientists have discovered three Super-Earths!

For the first time in history, scientists have discovered three Earth-sized planets orbiting a solitary star that is slightly less massive than the sun. Astronomers believe the planets, called "super-...
Posted by GOD on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:01:00 PST

Dont give up on love....

Dont give up on love.... Every decision you make,every decision,is not a decision about what to doIt's a decision about Who You AreWhen you see this, when you understand it, everything changesYou beg...
Posted by GOD on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:47:00 PST

The Orion Project: Free Clean Renewable Energy!!!

..TR> ..TR> The Orion Project Renewable Energy - Free for Everyone!..TABLE> ..TR> ..Imminent scientific breakthroughs will eliminate your monthly energy bills (and the world's) FOR LIFE!  ...
Posted by GOD on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 03:26:00 PST

Jumproom to Mars - Very interesting reality!

JUMPROOM TO MARSThe Montauk Project, Osiris, and The Rendezvous with Rama http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=voYnNegWsFE JUMPROOM TO MARSLos Angeles, December 2007This new Project Came... (mor...
Posted by GOD on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 06:15:00 PST

The Power Within

The Power WithinThere are avatars on the planet right now who can create matter out of consciousness! If that is the truth, then isn't the next logical step for the advanced Human Being to do the sam...
Posted by GOD on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 04:36:00 PST

The Disclosure Project

Come to UFOtv to learn more about:ETVs = extra terrestrial vehicle (authentic)ARVs = alien reproduction vehicle (black ops/para-military, military-made for staging faked abductions to spread fear abou...
Posted by GOD on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 11:46:00 PST

The Spiritual Warrior

~The Spiritual Warrior~ Life offers us the opportunity to become a spiritual warrior. A warrior is one who bravely goes into those dark areas within themselves to ferret out the truth of...
Posted by GOD on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 08:55:00 PST

Where do you stand? A warrior or fool?!

WHAT WILL YOU DO? Our country is in turmoil... The World is in turmoil...Children are starving...While major corporations are thriving...Oil companies are completely immoral...Corporate greed is kill...
Posted by GOD on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 08:51:00 PST

10 Secrets of L-O-V-E

10 Secrets of L-O-V-E * The first secret - the power of thought. Love begins with our thoughts. We become what we think about.Loving thoughts create loving experiences and loving relationship...
Posted by GOD on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 08:43:00 PST