Alexis profile picture


Come Fly With Me.....

About Me

I love to travel, and now that all I need to work is my computer, I can travel all over the world and make money while I do it.

I've been to Europe, Asia, Australia, and almost everywhere in between... Since joining The Hitchhikers Guide To Profits I have had the freedom to roam the globe as I please.

I love water sports too... My new house in Florida is perfect. It's right on the intercoastal and I love to spend my days skiing, and wakeboarding up and down it.

I don't know why more people don't take advantage of this AMAZING opportunity so that they can live life like I do.

CLICK HERE to take a look.

My Interests

Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Al Pacino, Elanor Roosevelt, Dave Chappelle, Mandy Moore, Christina Aguillera


Nirvana,Sublime, DMB, Christina Aguillera, Justin Timberlake, Beyonce, Gwen Steffani


As Good As It Gets, Blood Diamond, The Depearted, Letters from Iwo Jima, Goodfellas, The Notebook, Baby Boy, Good Will Hunting


I don't really like anything on tv these days...Sex in the City was good in its time..


I don't really read either..I just like to travel and be outside


My mother, she is my best friend