Jack is a Brighton-based artist working in a variety of fields, including paint, photography, digital art and film.
Jack uses a wide range of media to produce abstract experimental works, which are interpretations of his subliminal mind.Many of the images that he creates begin as spontaneous thoughts, which Jack then develops into visually striking expressions of his original ideas. By contrast, other works are interpretations of more specific conceptual ideas.
Jack deals with issues such as urban landscape and decline, and the day to day environment which we inhabit. He explores composition and abstract qualities to create visual impact and aesthetic beauty. Although Jack often portrays instances of decay, road kill, vandalism and waste, he does not see these subjects as negative. They are simply a reality in which we live.
Jack's photography shows the interaction of nature and townscape as existing in a relationship which is jarring, surprising and yet, often harmonious.
Jack also undertakes commissions and enjoys the challenge of working on different medium. This diverse work has ranged from painting large- scale murals to customised paint designs for bikes.
.. ..Visit Jack's newly launched website to view examples of other genres of his work.
.. .... ..BRIGHTON FESTIVAL FRINGE SHOW 2008 Official Website
.. .... ..Environmental Issues and Urban Landscape Photography Set.
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