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Mr Gozaimasu


About Me

Are U Everything U Thought U Were?the unconscious social conditioning that we are born into is created by the often passe thoughts of men alone-if U control what people believe U can herd them like sheep......if U wake up2this at the turning point at the deepest part of ur consciousness during the ressurection of ur soul which is right here right now in this very life-then U can choose to still be a prisoner of the thoughts of others or like anyone-u can choose2think for urself and unlearn all of it2get back2 what is U.....there is a lot of truth in the old funkadelic notion 'Free ur Mind and ur Ass will follow' ...remember that any human action U observe that is not spontaneous is CONTRIVED and thus has layers of crap attached to it.....spontaneity being created in the moment existing in love is the TRUTH-there is no action more pure and unpolluted.... Spontaneously being who U are in time will resonate with the universe and thus like will attract like and what U think and manifest in every living moment will come to U - this is the true power of a human in it's natural state -U will never learn this from any modern religion cos they are all polluted by the ruling elite2keep U dumb so they can keep themselves and further generations of their linage at the top of the human food pyramid.Any Modern religion will stop U from using ur brain at it's fullest potential and accessing ur fluid intelligence...........if U lOOk at the origins of all of these religions,U will find that underneath all the bullshit that,they all say the same thing and that at the end of the day WE ALL COME FROM THE SAME RAY OF LIGHT!!!................and if U lack the courage to be urself cos of the thoughts of others and thru fear of 'losing face' in front of 'the crowd' - just remember that what other people think is none of ur business and the more any person feels the need to judge and criticize another fellow human-the more they are exposing their own insecurities about who they really are (..or not)...............................there is no such thing as gOOd or BaD..................................... ...................................only 'thinking' makes it SO..........'...soMeTimEz i cRaVe tHe MuSiC....cOz i kNow ThAt sHeZ bEEn gOOd 2 mE ...GaWd kNowZ soMetHinZ goTTa cHanGe hErE...aiN't nO sHoTgUn eVeR sOOtHE uR pAiN...........i cOuLd giVe iT aLL aWaY..........bUt i nEEd iT ...LeT tHe mUSic cOmE aNd sOOtHe Ur pAiN ..............i nEEd tHe MuSiC LikE SuNsHinE'n rAiN....' VinCeNt StOne & Mr GoZaiMasU

My Interests


Member Since: 2/1/2007
Band Members: Mr Gozaimasu-Guitar/Bass/Keys/Trombone/Drums *'I'm Here' & 'Shotgun'-written by Mr Vincent Stone & Mr Gozaimasu (STONE) * Vocals:Mr Vincent Stone * Produced & Mixed By Mr Gozaimasu & Mr Ben Rosen at THE GUNNERY,Singapore *'On Your Own' - written by Mr Gozaimasu,Hamish Gordon & Simon Cox * All instruments played by Mr Gozaimasu & Hamish Gordon * Vocals:Mr Simon Cox * Recorded at Arcadia Studio,Bondi Junction * Mixed & Produced by Mr Gozaimasu
Influences: Sly Stone,Early 70’s Tower Of Power,Early Midnight Oil,Lewis Taylor,Galliano,Erykah Badu,Meshell N’gedeocello,James Brown,Funkadelic,The Isley Brothers,Living Colour,Fishbone,Miles Davis,Herbie Hancock,The Police,Zero 7,Pink Floyd,Prince,Red Hot Chili Peppers,Scott Henderson,Jeff Beck,Wes Montgomery,Larry Carlton,Donny Hathaway,The Who,Lalo Schifrin,David Bowie,Gil Scott-Heron,ACDC,Little Feat,Michael Franti,Roy Ayers,Steely Dan,Stevie Wonder,Paul Weller,Betty Davis,Bob Marley,Billy Preston,The Cure(Early),The Eagles,Frank Zappa,The Tubes,Graham Central Station,Grand Funk Railroad,Grace Jones,Infectious Grooves,Jaco Pastorious,Joni Mitchell,Lee Dorsey,The Meters,The Neville Brothers,Marcus Miller,Marvin Gaye,Pat Metheny,Pharell Williams,Peter Gabriel,Paco De Lucia,Portishead,Roachford,Rufus,Santana,Seal,Soundgarden,To ne-Loc,Tribal Tech,Sting,Weather Report,Mother Earth,Jimi Hendrix,Eddie Hazel..............................................’ST ONE’.................................................. .........

Sounds Like:....This was a band i was in a while ago called IRIS * This band was abscrewlOOseLy a Total Riot * This video cost us $90 only because we thought we better at least buy everyone lunch * We supported Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds at the Horden Pavillion in Sydney and the last ever gig at Festival Hall in Brisbane and as a result received hate mail and death threats from junkies,sadomaschochistic B’n D freaks,university professors and underground subversives * Thanks2whoever the person was who posted this on youtube,apart from one viewing on ABC TV’s ’Rage’ * i was totally and abscrewlOOsley very foiken supwiZed that this still existed!!! ol’mate Mc Buddha sent me an email outa the blue a while back scaring the shit outa me with this link * We used2play a lotta gigz in a lotta different places with a lotta crazy bad’n’mad’n psychotic catz playing some FRUGLY hip hop’n funk’n’rasta’n whateva freestyle improv that would roll off our noses during any given moment in a band called ’Buddhafied’....if we all werent so fucked up in our respective differing and varying states of individual fucked up’dneSS, we woulda been world famous but none of us really cared cos we were playin the shit anyway’n all of Buddha’s dj mates at the time used2freak at him cos he had REAL musicians who he could sample the REAL shit from for the recordings that could actually play the funk live as well at the drop of a hat WITH THEIR OWN SMELL and Buddha very smartly wouldn’t let the clowns pimp his original samples either,unlike most clown dj’s that think they are the bomb just cos they can sample a sound/beat from a recording’n play a record’n scratch along with it in apologies to the few dj’s who got it goin’ on....ur fucking rare and U know it and 75% of U rare birdz are musicians in the first place anyway who got stoic earning a natural selection in the Darwinian sense within this minority is but a trickle.....gsus i can be a harsh bastard but i’m no pinnochio about it though either.................. so bOOdZ had this clown mate of his who used2get us2play this boat party4peanutZ for a couple of years around New Year in the summer in Sydney-while Sydney still used2have decent summers-and we’d play on the top deck of this 3 level/tiered boat2trashbuckets from the Sydney nightclub scene and 2 dj’s would get paid a shitload more than us2play on the other2levels/tiers as well * IronicaLLy......and very foiken Ironic4Sydney wit this sorta crew........we managed2steal the crew from the other2decks and4one of the very few times i have witnessed in this town....the live music was more DOPE than the DJ’s...........u gotta consider the fact that live music generally can’t compete with the sheer production quality of recorded music especially when ur playing thru ur mate’s rate’s dodgy sound system cos itz free cos the clown who’s running it refuses to pay the band properly so the band are not going2go outa their way2pay4a decent sound rig * So,yet again i don’t know where this brief video came from but U get a taste of what was going on-pity itz right at the start before all the party trash heads are still straight’n’nervous’n paranoid’n not quite in the zone yet.....well......neither were we.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......but i wonder if there is any more fOOtage of this gig floating about the ethers in someone’s garage or in cyberville cos it got stinkin as the heat,the day,the crew’n us just got more stinkin’n sticky in all senses of the word(s)as time’n the boat progressed further down the harbour.....
Type of Label: None

My Blog

TIBET CHINA BRITAIN US-u can all get over urselves first...if u really want2help

so the yanks are trying2win brownie points with the chineese cos the chineese have taken the world by the balls with their slow but efficient ’dwarfing’ economic policy whilst the US has f...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 07:19:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 03:43:00 PST

for all those who love2hate

people don't get past jealosy until they get overthemselves......simple but true.the more someone has2criticize others,the more they expose their own insecurities about themselves....the hurter is the...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 06:48:00 PST

The Bush Family False Flag Bullshit

as U can see,the US government has alot2answer for since bush, and his neo-con cronies and the black ops cunts that run them all like puppets,conducted one of the worst 'false flag' operations in huma...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:22:00 PST

intellectualism means nothing if it ain't poignant to the 'isness' of the c

intellectualism means nothing if it ain't poignant to the 'isness' of the current moment ;)...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:18:00 PST

ALL Ringtones are a's why

all ringtones these days are mp3 format just like all music that means U can load any song from ur computer to ur why do U need to go to a ringtone site anyway when if U g...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Sun, 13 May 2007 10:33:00 PST


Al-Qa'ida is the product of an Arab fascist group that was set up in the 1920s, funded by Adolf Hitler, used by British, French and American Intelligence after WWII, and later was supported by the Sau...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:58:00 PST
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Fri, 11 May 2007 01:46:00 PST

Spontenaeity is an act of LOVE

i have learnt from experience to 'take it if U can leave it'-and that applies to everything...if U really love something or someone U can't own or control it/them-U have to let it be itself......uncon...
Posted by Mr Gozaimasu on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:17:00 PST