STONE profile picture



About Me

'...soMeTimEz i cRaVe tHe MuSiC....cOz i kNow ThAt sHeZ bEEn gOOd 2 mE ...GaWd kNowZ soMetHinZ goTTa cHanGe hErE...aiN't nO sHoTgUn eVeR sOOtHE uR pAiN...........i cOuLd giVe iT aLL aWaY..........bUt i nEEd iT ...LeT tHe mUSic cOmE aNd sOOtHe Ur pAiN ..............i nEEd tHe MuSiC LikE SuNsHinE'n rAiN....' VinCeNt StOne & Mr GoZaiMasU

My Interests


Member Since: 5/20/2006
Band Members: Vincent Stone & Mr Gozaimasu
Influences: *ALL SPAM that includes dumb ad's concerning erection pills,diet pills,ringtone & gift vouchers etc. will NEVER see the light of day in our 'Comments' section..... We promote ALL artists of any genre and all individuals who have anything to say......We do not condone GRAVY trainers' in our space'n face!!!..................................................... .................................................. .........................'STONE'............................ .................................

Sounds Like: Mr Gozaimasu
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Watch this space VERY closely.....!

Watch this space VERY closely.....!
Posted by STONE on Sun, 21 May 2006 10:48:00 PST