Partly electric, partly synthetic, Colone tries to combine the known with the unknown in various respects. Roel Adrian Sobel (living in The Netherlands), the force behind Colone, has a love for British oriented music, probably aroused by living in England for some time at a young age.
Sensitive lyrics are presented with heavy arrangements while dark lyrics are often combined with a sweet production-sound. Colone is basically a one-man project, has been a band and will maybe be a band again someday.
The songs here are from the first to-be released CD (11 tracks). Work is progressing on the second.In June 2007 NCRV's Dutch webradiostation chose Colone as 'Talent of the Week'.In Oktober 2007 one of the biggest radiostations in Holland(3FM) chose Colone as 'Serious Talent'.At the moment Colone is exploring the world of animation and video which hopefully could lead to the first Colone-video(clip).
No Fun