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punx for change

take action. make change.

About Me

1st off lets get one thing straight. This site is for EVERYONE. no matter who the fuck you are, if you like punk, and you want to make a change, or even if you just want to make a change..... you are welcome here.
now that we got that out of the way: HOW DO YOU MAKE CHANGE? how do you actually fucking do it?
there are a number of places you can go with this, to humanitarian efforts, to awareness campaigns, to... everything else. more info on the rest of the page. _______________________________________________________
Dont think change is needed?
The world has problems everywhere. At home, across the ocean, everywhere. 1 billion kids live in poverty, there are 2 billion in the world. Thats a HUGE problem. we cant fix it, but we can help a lot of people out. kids in the US, like a lot of you maybe, a lot of punx, kids across the world. one thing is just spreading the word, a lot of people have no clue. At least DO THAT. It is hard to volunteer overseas, but you can help raise money, be CREATIVE. ------------ also, you can volunteer in your own city, its a lot easier to find volunteer oppurtunities at home, and it is TRULY needed. PUNX UNITE !

My Interests

FIND STUFF HERE http://www.volunteermatch.org/
dont wait for someone to tell you what to do. do it yourself! carry some fucking sandwiches around and give em out, put up signs on freeway bridges. ect.

I'd like to meet:

Things are changing everyday. Young people are stepping up and it IS making a difference. I see a future and a scene which is led simply by those who step up, lets make this really be about something.
an example:


PUNK!!!! take action on the fucking lyrics you apparently live by!
want to know how to take action?
Here's some ideas:
FREEWAY BLOGGING: this is probably one of the most fun ways to take action. Make a very large sign, with whatever SHORT message you want to get people thinking about. Get some buddies and bring it to a freeway bridge, secure it to the inside of the bridge facing out, make sure its secure,then leave.

find something you are passionate about, and a corresponding organization. http://www.volunteermatch.org/ start volunteering for it.

one of the most important things is simply being someone other punk kids can look up to, and take example from. take people under your wing, once you get going (punk or not).




FIND STUFF HERE http://www.volunteermatch.org/ shows you volunteer oppurtunities in your area. so you can get involved! TAKE ACTION! and DIY!!!!,... BUT, if you need help finding something, contact me. I will try to help you find: your local govt #s to call, local places to volunteer, websites to donate, whatever.-------- ya know, help you get STARTED, but thne ITS UP TO YOU


another thing you can get involved in: FOOD NOT BOMBS! http://www.foodnotbombs.net/ name is pretty self explanitroy, check it out.


Take some motherfucking action! If you dont like the way the govt is going, then speak the hell up! NEVER let the system fuck you! If you need help with something, let me know, and i will try to get you started. BUT THEN its up to you!

everyones help is wanted, if you cant do much its ok. do something and we're cool.

My Blog

Issue. 1

Open borders. The "attack" on our nation is not always so overt. The government has subscribed to foreign trade agreements which are intended to destroy our national economy and our independent sovere...
Posted by punx for change on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:33:00 PST

new year n pfc shit

So, it was a little over a year ago when i started this site.  I remember going out to get christmas presents for my brothers, and seeing people in the news starving.  Some of the people at ...
Posted by punx for change on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:35:00 PST

TAKE ACTION! -- on this one

America is moving farther and farther away from democracy,and closer to a closed society and police state.  Recently the House overwhelmingly passedHR 1955, "The Violent Radicalization Homegrown ...
Posted by punx for change on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 12:33:00 PST


its time to step up and let your opinions be heard. or just get conversation flowing between people.heres some questions to get you started, if you have something else to say then feel free to ignore ...
Posted by punx for change on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 05:42:00 PST

Clarifying Anarchy

Clarifying Anarchy the last blog was niether a dis on anarchy or a vote for it, it was simply a chance for people to defend their sociological beliefs. that being said... here is a good...
Posted by punx for change on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 04:10:00 PST

Communism, Anarchy, and motherfuckers

Keep in mind: this was not meant to be a good or ironclad argument, it was meant to spark debate.  So,instead of the argument. read the comments.--------------------------------------------------. ..
Posted by punx for change on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:01:00 PST

ARE YOU FREE/ do we even need our govt anymore.

There is so much bullshit giong on in the world, it is hard to even wrap your head around it (im still trying to).The Federal govt no longer seems to have a connection to the people, the decisions bei...
Posted by punx for change on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 06:36:00 PST

Where and Why. we have to fight.

 Why we have to fight. There is so much gone fucking wrong in this world, that it is hard to even get a grasp of it.  Many people tell me to stop worrying about other countries whe...
Posted by punx for change on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 10:51:00 PST

History of Government Sponsored Terrorism

alright so... this is something off someones profile  (http://www.myspace.com/powerfan) anyways interesting points/views ect.  it is easy to dicard these things as simple conspiracy the...
Posted by punx for change on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 10:19:00 PST

Punk and True Rebellion

#1:  If we want this site to exemplify the type of society we would like to see, more people need to start giving their opinions. How are we suppossed to be punx for change, if only 1 or a few op...
Posted by punx for change on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 05:35:00 PST