go to these sites: zeitgeistmovie.com organizepittsburgh.org stayvocal.com militaryfreezone.org savedarfur.org myspace.com/punxfwce myspace.com/stopclownabuse pgh-fnb.activeresistance.org foodnotbombs.org http://geocities.com/CapitolHill/1931/
Peter J. Creator of Zeitgeist
Punk rock and most of it's subgenres. Right now i mainly listen to old anarcho.
To do: Finish this later.
Punk music brought everything back down to basics, where any one can do it. So if anyone can do it their shouldn't be any heroes, the whole notion of heroes gets thrown right out the window immediately.
People can do what ever they want, you know. You can do something other than allowing some other person to take their position for you.
-Dick Lucas