Mash Potato profile picture

Mash Potato

fuck the fiddly bits ...

About Me

I don't want to join your "club". "Getting along" should never include kissing ass. Besides, I'm not very good at kissing ass. Be a force, or be crushed. Stand up for yourself - period. Don't wait for someone else to do it. Authority has no inherent morality. Oppression will result in backlash. Let's change the world, even if its one person at a time. I'm serious about this: Let's have some fun.
I hate bullshit. Let's eliminate bullshit ....
I'm kinda old school ...
don't feed me any lines ...
Oh yeah, don't try to put a label on me - I'm not a liberal, I'm not a conservative, I'm not a communist, I'm not a monarchist, nor do I fit into any other handy dandy little pre-packaged category that you might want to stick me into. Guess you'll have to actually interact with me to figure out who I am ...


I don't give a flying fuck about accumulating 5,000 myspace friends . If you want be added as a friend - just send me a message and I'll probably add ya. If I later find out you are a rapist, racist, NAZI, sexist, Bush worshipper, or any other kind of scum cake I'll just delete ya then! (But if you are a rapist, racist, NAZI, Stalinist, Bush worshipper, or any other kind of scum cake - please don't apply) If you fail to observe this basic protocol, don't expect to be approved . . .
I try to keep this "friend" list from becoming even more ponderous - so I delete folks that I have no interaction with from time to time. If I later learn I'm just pumping your friend count or if you're too important to respond to my repeated messages, then I'll probably delete ya - understand this: life's too short to deal with this kind of bullshit
Excessive Band Pimping Comments are Subject to Deletion Go ahead - delete me. I'm sure I'll be "crushed".

My Interests

art, music, film, justice, fun, railroads, etc.i ride a bicycle when i can.i play in a band - type53.we make noise.CLICK on the type53 thing below to go to type53 (the band i'm in) "Same thing day after day - tube - work - dinner - work - tube - armchair - TV - sleep - tube - work - how much more can you take? - one in ten go mad - one in five cracks up"

I'd like to meet:



Music. Shite, so much out there . . . Clash, Crass, Strawberry Blondes, UK Subs, Subhumans, Dead Kennedys, The Ruts, Cure, Slits, Hole (old), Black Market Baby, SLF(old), Specials, Op Ivy, The Alarm, Flogging Molly, Big Youth, Wall of Voodoo, Dead Milkmen (where are you Dave Blood?), Call the Cops!, Rancid, Moral Support, Pixies, The Creatures, Social Distortion, The Allman Brothers Band, Bob Marley, Ramones, early Lemonheads, Pogues (pre-greedy), The Pist, Dropkick Murphys, Bosstones, some X, SeX Pistols, blah blah blah.OK, I'm tired of listing this crap for now . . .(I'll put more here eventually)

"Every musician a fan and every fan in a band"


Hardware Wars, Clerks, Straight to Hell, Mystery Train, Princess Bride, Brassed Off, Key Largo, U-Turn, I Went Down, Repo Man, more


Not much. These days I sometimes watch the Simpsons. I like Invader Zim. Futurama. I watch other cartoons (mostly older, like old Looney Tunes) . . . Basically Television has become a "manufactured need", and besides it mostly sucks.


On The Road - Kerouac. A Riot Of Our Own - Johnny Green. 1984 - Orwell. others too.


people that actually mean what they say. ya know - the ones that walk the talk ...this vid goes out to my brother Steve, who was a rebel and an example to me all his life ... R.I.P., and Steve - ring me up now & then fucker!

My Blog


Topper lays it out:What can you tell us about "The Clash by the Clash?"I was against the book coming out because it's a transcript of [2000 documentary] "Westway to the World" with photos. I don't thi...
Posted by Mash Potato on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 07:33:00 PST

I tried to cut my wrist

but I missed and caught my left thumb.maybe I should stick to butter knives ......
Posted by Mash Potato on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 06:30:00 PST

they’re rolling out the new bullshit, to replace the old bullshit

I've got nothing to add to that, that's my thought for this morning ...
Posted by Mash Potato on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 06:47:00 PST

beating your girlfriend aint punk ...

that's right, beating your girlfriend aint punk. WTF do ya think you're proving by beating your girl? Any asshole can beat his girl.I'd have more respect for ya if ya beat yourself ...If ya want to be...
Posted by Mash Potato on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 06:56:00 PST

a concept

if things don't go your way you can:A) sit around and cry about itB) do something about itI recommend the latter ......
Posted by Mash Potato on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 07:47:00 PST

the next "Dick" cheney?

Today's media darling Sarah Palin has already seemingly demonstrated a willingness to abuse power (like good ole DICK!) ... see troopergate.She's also a bit of a flake (do these things go hand in hand...
Posted by Mash Potato on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 07:08:00 PST

fun in the sun

starting with a slow song more fitting for an old man like myself ... this was fun. big thanx to babydoll for posting this!...
Posted by Mash Potato on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 11:53:00 PST

Fucking pissed

I witnessed pointless fighting at a show this weekend. I'm still fucking pissed off about it. It was pointless and achieved nothing except to alienate people that were'nt involved in the pointlessness...
Posted by Mash Potato on Tue, 22 Jul 2008 03:42:00 PST

$30 band tshirts WTF?

I can't see how any band claiming to be connected to punk can charge 30 BUX for a t-shirt ...greedy bastards - please retire and get out of the way....
Posted by Mash Potato on Tue, 15 Jul 2008 12:13:00 PST

fucked up ideas about politics and rock and roll

I read a bulletin recently where this guy rants about how politics and rock and roll don't mix. What a load of bullshit! Music and all other forms of art are our response to the world we live in. Some...
Posted by Mash Potato on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 07:56:00 PST