I hate bullshit. Let's eliminate bullshit ....
I'm kinda old school ...
don't feed me any lines ...
Oh yeah, don't try to put a label on me - I'm not a liberal, I'm not a conservative, I'm not a communist, I'm not a monarchist, nor do I fit into any other handy dandy little pre-packaged category that you might want to stick me into. Guess you'll have to actually interact with me to figure out who I am ...
I don't give a flying fuck about accumulating 5,000 myspace friends . If you want be added as a friend - just send me a message and I'll probably add ya. If I later find out you are a rapist, racist, NAZI, sexist, Bush worshipper, or any other kind of scum cake I'll just delete ya then! (But if you are a rapist, racist, NAZI, Stalinist, Bush worshipper, or any other kind of scum cake - please don't apply) If you fail to observe this basic protocol, don't expect to be approved . . .I try to keep this "friend" list from becoming even more ponderous - so I delete folks that I have no interaction with from time to time. If I later learn I'm just pumping your friend count or if you're too important to respond to my repeated messages, then I'll probably delete ya - understand this: life's too short to deal with this kind of bullshit
Excessive Band Pimping Comments are Subject to Deletion Go ahead - delete me. I'm sure I'll be "crushed".