I hate cops. I think people need to stop being so stupid, i love chillin wit da crew even though i havent in a while, beer is a plus, amy is the best thing ever even though she has broken my heart so many times i still love her even tho she told me never to talk to her anymore, forget labeling, fuck the system were forced to live in get out and rebel a little. Dont believe everything your leaders tell you, I want to move to ireland when i grow up. I'm going to change my name back to my mothers maiden name, McClain. Catnip is interesting. I like shows, kids who sit in the back at shows are lame, i dont like people who judge each other or their appearance let people do wat they want it doesnt bother you that goes for everyone. , skinheads can = yes. I think this world needs to stop hatin so much.I think the u.s. needs to be changed but not ended. I am not an anarchist nor do i believe in anarchy, I think everyone should be given a fair chance, remember everyone was created equal with the same natural rights noone is better than anyone else we all have somethng were good at .... That philosophy is of John Locke...... by the way i love philosophy, psychology and sociology. I am a smooth talker and can get out of anything pretty much because i am intelligent and thats not being arrogant its self confidence. I know the law and i know history and i know how to argue with authority without getting the fuck beat out of me by a white trash prick with a badge. ......