Riding on Buses are a 4 piece band that is all about the music and connecting with people, while trying to be as honest and real as they can. Citing influences from the UK, NY and LA the band create a vibrant Indy like, yet Rock inspired sound, well suited for Britpop and alternative rock fans alike The chemistry and friendship within shapes the bands sound even though as individuals they are accomplished as each other.
With no illusions or pretense you can hear greatness in their songwriting, The powerful arrangements and addictive hooks make the music really contagious. Enter a live venue and you’ll hear something more, Something personal, The catchy lyrics and power-packed guitar driven songs definitely captivate an audience. Virtually every song resonates with passion from start to end. It’s something that makes the songs your own and everyone who listens is affected as apart of that.
The band has definitely mastered the art of captivating the listener. It’s just something you should hear because you really never know what lies beneath...?
.. I use the layout generator at UltimateMySpace.com.
My Interests
Member Since: 1/26/2007
Band Members: Jack Dahlqvist - Vocals/Guitar