Kym profile picture


About Me

When you can't find me at home chilling with my family or at my friends wasting the day together, you'll find me out and about either surfing down at my little hideaway, skiing whenever I am able to arrange the time, rock climbing either outdoors or indoors, or sometimes sleeping with my dogs (... sometimes).
Some things about me
- I am currently obtaining my pilots license.
- I spent a year up at the base of Mt. Buller hiking, skiing, running and spending three months performing community service for the elderly.
- I am working my way towards obtaining my shooting license.
- I'm an adrenaline junkie and love the outdoors.
- Despite my constant assertions of hating cats, I really actually like them. I find a perverse humor is declaring my dislike for cats while secretly habouring a deep love.
- My first grade teacher took my "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" book and gave me 50 cents for it. She later told me I was selfish because the damper (flour mix) fell from my cooking stick while I was trying to cook it in the fire.
- I have 6 grandparents including two Australians who adopted my mother and father before they got married.
- I love animals (despite going for the odd cow tipping every now and then).
- I love new experiences, there's too much to experience and too much to do ... consequently ...
- I have a hard time saying no to anything. Additionally ...
- I can't stop signing myself up for extra-curricular activities.
- I want to change the world.
- I want to save lives.
- I'll always have time for my friends, family, and the people I love.
- My family is very important to me.
- I have an adopted older brother who is really my cousin.
- I believe our friends are the family we choose.
- I believe wasting time with friends isn't really wasting time at all.
- I'm as graceful as a fork-lift machine.
- I sleep with a teddy bear I got when I was 6.
- I have a street named after me.
- I've been chased by an ostrich.
- In 2006 I became a certified monk in a monastery in Vietnam.
- I am currently recording my debut album.
- The longest distance I've ran in one go is 30 KM.
- My current poker tally with Victoria is 5-1.
- I'm very competitive... when I feel like I'm losing.
- I am very open to new experiences, meeting people, and new cultures.
- I believe there's always a choice between laughing and crying. I always usually laugh, but sometimes, I think we just need to cry.
- I'll never admit to crying.
- Give me hugs and cuddling on the coach any day and I'll be happy.
- I've been told I'm very guarded about letting people get close to me, but when that happens, they'll have a friend for life.
- I was once told that coke was made out of dirt and water and I tried to make some coke ...
- I use to talk to ants.
- I use to go around the neighbourhood adopting homeless dogs, and bringing them home. Once I adopted a furless dog about the size of a small horse. It tried to follow me to school one day and broke through a metal gate by bending up the bottom of the gate with it's head.
- I am 67% bogan.
- My ape factor is +7.
- I can get out of anything. For example, I managed to get out of drink driving on Ps, without Ps displayed and my registration unpaid.
- I give good hugs.

My Interests


Member Since: 14/01/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Kym - Vocals | e-mail
Influences: My dreams influence my songs
Status:: Limbo
Hometown:: Where the Wind Blows
Here For:: Friends
Hometown:: Melbourne, AUS
Body Type:: Constant Fluctuation
Religion:: Spiritual
Zodiac Sign:: Cancer
Smoke / Drink:: No / Yes
Children:: Many
Education:: Ass Model
Occupation:: Enthusiast in Alternative Recycling Methods
Income:: Living off Bread
General:: Music, dance, rock-climbing, surfing, adrenaline sports, friends, family, my dog and vitamin c tablets
Music:: Rock, soul, blues, jazz, pop, commercial, everything!
Movies:: Zoolander, Napoleon Dynamite
Television:: Grey's Anatomy, The O.C, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break and Everybody Hates Chris (even though I haven't seen it - the trailer looks good). In truth, I don't watch much T.V. Maybe 10 minutes every 1-2 weeks?
Heroes:: My felonious fiend partner Wolf
Recent Reviews: "Kym is addicted to rhymes, and he weighs them down with heartfelt R&B-pop melodies. The result is a vibrantly glowing sound that's enhanced by Kym's thought-provoking lyricism."
- The Editors at CNET

Kym, in my experience, whenever I encounter superlatives such as 'vibrantly glowing' or 'thought-provoking' in a bio, my curiosity is often rewarded with disappointment. Your tracks, however, are among the exceptions.I enjoyed your songs immensely. There is diversity here from the soulful and melodic strains of the ballad 'Motherland,' to the more funky & rhythmically punctuated 'My Addiction.' This is really great RnB/Soul.
- CNET listener

Wow right off the bat the piano I noticed is amazing. This song is really making a mark on me. I think this song is beautiful. The vocals are amazingly beautiful. I might just buy this CD when I'm done with this review. It is so beautiful. This needs to be heard a lot more. I hope you get the credit you deserve. The meaning to this song really shines through. Beautiful! This is my favorite song I've reviewed on this site by far.
- Andrea Hill from GarageBand about "Heaven"

To much of R&B these days is far to concerned with sex. Not the pursuit, or making love or the art of getting the one you want. Some of the greatest songs in R&B history contained straight talk type social commentary. "Tales from the Hood" so to speak. It's good to hear this type of song from performers who sound so young. Let's face it, young kids aren't experienced in love and romance, so it is often amusing to hear them sing about the subject. The topic of this song is timely and prevalent in society. Everyone would have an opinion on this one, and there will be so many different sides of the issue to be represented. Most people I know, mainly women would feel this song on some level. That is an accomplishment in and of itself.
- Vincee from GarageBand about "Dirty Ways":
Sounds Like: Kym
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

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