Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect profile picture

Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect


About Me

I work in videogames PR. I like videogames. I used to do art, but now all I do is endlessly practice grafitti. Oh fuck this, here's a list: Robots, cats, drugs.That's pretty much it. Sorry. More details available on demand.

My Interests

This will get scary if I type them all out, so here's the main one:* Videogames *The rest are too interesting to give away that easily and I have millions, but here's some highlights:* The chirrupy noise cats make only for humans * * Industrial buildings that sit in or near water * * Maximising sabaki opportunities with Kage * * Astronomy * * The career arc of Lindsay Lohan *

I'd like to meet:

Client contacts, press contacts, celebrities, nice people, mental girls, cats.


Funk, hiphop before 1990, music libaries, dubstep, detroit techno, horrible pop songs, single breakbeats on an endless loop like assembly line and hot pants but never the funky drummer unless it's that awesome version with the 808 and the FAT reverb on the snares that's in "run's house", Dubstep, Drum & Bass.


too many to fit in here. I watched miller's crossing again the other day and it was fucking ace. Guess what I watched the big lebowski again as well. I'd trot out the film school faves, but I only like Double Indemmnity and A Bout de Souffle. Battleship potemkin was shit. I'm going to have a sam peckinpah retrospective soon, so I'll change all this to THE WILD BUNCH THE WILD BUNCH THE WILDBUNCH with bring me the head of alfredo garcia at the end. Guess what I forgot to put in here: Repo Man. That fucking rules. So does Rumblefish, mean streets, taxi driver, THX 1138, Marathon Man, Glengarry Glen Ross, the ipcress file, get carter (michael caine only), that one where keifer sutherland is transporting dennis hopper and dennis tricks kiefer into thinking he's given him acid, fight club, most david fincher films actually... even alien3 (which I say is better than aliens), reservoir dogs and jackie brown but not pulp fiction enough to go in here. Kill Bill was ok. some kind of wonderful, the breakfast bunch, Versus, drunken tai chi, one armed boxer 2, snake and crane arts of shaolin, Pusher, Man bites dog, betty blue, killing zoe, taxi2, dobermann, miller's crossing cos it should be in twice, in fact nealy all the coen brother's films, LA confidential, romper stomper, sexy beast, nil by mouth, starship troopers, robocop, total recall, commando, raw deal, shaolin soccer, Scarface, carlito's way, the thing, they live, escape from new york, dawn of the dead, day of the dead, wild style, the poseiden adventure, and million other fucking films.


I watch almost NO TV now. I instead steal it all off the internet.I mostly steal Trailer Park Boys as it's fuckin wicked.NOW LET'S GET THE FUCK ON. MOTHERFUCKER, I'M ABOOT OUTTA HERE. PUUUH-EEEECE.Actually, this is a lie. I watch loads of telly. Mostly UKTVhistory, especially if it's about war, and BBC4.


not really books but watchmen, marshall law, V for vendetta, sin city etc.. Lego catalogues and model kit instructions, pictures of cats and grafitti. I think the last proper book I read that was a novel was Crash by JG Ballard and that was ages ago. Oh no wait it was a collection of his short stories called War Fever. Yeah. That was it. The last thing I read was a caption on the news. It had a decent narrative, but the characterisation was very 2 dimensional. Actually, I've nearly finished The Atrocity Exhibition and it's fucked me up. 2000ad reprints. I should mention them. OH AND SOME MANGA BUT IT'S NOT THAT RUBBSHSH STUFF BUT REALAY NEESH COOL ONES.I read japanese robot instructions the most.


Flying guillotine Fu Chen Wu Chi

My Blog

I am PR

Speaks for itself, really. I'm now working in PR. I'm bloody wicked. I have a hideous cold, though. I can't PR that one away. I'm fucked! Anyhow, PR. I'm now an executive. Please adore my new profe...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


makes the things they use in startrek to measure stuff look fucking rubbish. buy one, barry!
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

MASSIVE spider menace captured: Boss Rigsby "jubilant", claims bodyguard.

I wandered into the kitchen to drop off some glasses as a pal was leaving when I was confronted by A MASSIVE MENACING SPIDER right in the middle of the kitchen floor. It was totally immobile, poised t...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Menaced by a MASSIVE spider

I was naked in bed last night, no covers on due to the heat. With the lights off, I'm pretty blase about having my window wide open, fairly secure that the flickering glow of the TV wouldn't attract a...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

pistachios. OMFG.

I am a pistachio hamster. I cram my cheek pouches with pistachios, resisting the urge to chew untill I cannot fit any more nuts in, then it's bearing down for the long, blissfull munch. dammit. I c...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

how fucking shit-scared am I of project zero?

This game scares the piss out of me. All up the wall. It's a horrible mess, but it's totally involuntary. Project zero keeps buzzing the controller in my hands at really scary bit and I just react. ...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

biting off more than you can chew (or carry around on a windy day)

So I went into this discount book shop that sells art materials really cheaply, and they're selling these big canavases really cheaply. Immediately, I saw the possibililties in a MASSIVE painting and ...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

listen to the rubbish tune I made

You probably couldn't give a fuck, but I turned that monster break I found into a scary tune. It's only 1.47 long and has the word cunt at the end. get it here: my tune right click and "save ...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

YEAH fuck the butterscotch

I'm all about the softmallows now. LOOK AT THEM. Sheer class AND sophistication. Mallows of SUPREME quality. they're not though. They taste fucking rubbish....
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fucking cheap butterscotch

My big bag of butterscotch has loads of mutants at the bottom. There's conjoined ones and amorphous blobs with bits of foil in it and everything. Some of them are fine, but allready partially open. ...
Posted by Bad Boy Tont PR in full effect on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST