People who will support this band.
I will pimp these boys until my heart gives out.
Kick. Ass. Fucking. Band.
Other bands I'm loving:
State of Shock
The Ettes
Awful teen movies are my guilty pleasure. The more pointless and predictable the movie, the more I like it. This really pains my boyfriend, who hates that I can tolerate, no - enjoy such atrocities.I like non-crappy movies too, I'm just not a big elitist film fan like so many others. If I watch a movie once, chances are I won't remember it in six months. The ones I know are ones I've either seen very recently, or watched more than once.
Tastes range on the Television. The addition of digital cable with Tivo-like capabilities to my home arsenal has really added to the number of shows I can be interested in.Among them:Taken The Sopranos Alias 24 Dead Like Me Real Time with Bill Maher Carnivale Rome Weeds Daily Show with Jon Stewart The Colbert Report Iron Chef What Not to Wear and all those countdown shows on VH1. There's other stuff I watch, or will continue to watch or have watched in the past. Quantum Leap, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Star Trek TNG amongst others. Tony says I watch crap. He's probably right.
The one I will write someday.
Mulholland the Cat. He rocks.