Dear Old Hollywood
Walt Disney, Audrey Hepburn, James Stewart, Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Fred Astaire, Marilyn Monroe, Greta Garbo, James Cagney, Elizabeth Tayler, James Dean, Judy Garland, Charlie Chaplin, Spencer Tracy, Mae West, Ginger Rogers, Gene Kelly, John Wayne, Ingrid Bergman, Orson Welles, Kirk Douglas, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Marlene Dietrich, Buster Keaton, Sophia Loren, Lauren Bacall, Lucille Ball, William Holden, Carole Lombard,Ed Wynn, Shirley Temple, David Niven, Peter Sellers, Harold Llyod, Barbara Stanwyck, George Burns, Frank Capra, Alfred Hitchcock, Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin.
A Star is Born, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, The Godfather, Gone With the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, The Wizard of Oz, The Graduate, On the Waterfront, Singin' in the Rain, It's a Wonderful Life, Sunset Boulevard, Some Like it Hot, All About Eve, The African Queen, Psycho, Chinatown, The Grapes of Wrath, The Maltese Falcon,Dr. Strangelove, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Annie Hall, To Kill a Mockingbird, It Happened One Night, Midnight Cowboy, Double Indemnity, The Apartment, North by Northwest, West Side Story, Rear Windo, A Streetcar Named Desire, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Philadelphia Story, The Sound of Music, Rebel Without a Cause, Fantasia, M*A*S*H, Vertigo, Stagecoach, Network, Shane, The Manchurian Candidate, An American in Paris, The Great Dictator, Giant, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Duck Soup, Frankenstein, Easy Rider, My Fair Lady, The Searchers, Bringin up Baby, Yankee Doodle Dandy.
I Love Lucy, Jack Benny Show, Dick Van Dyke, Ed Wynn Show, The Twilight Zone, Burns and Allen, Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffith Show, Dennis the Menace, The Munsters, The Adams Family, Mary Tyler Moore, I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched, The Paul Lynde Show, The Dean Martin Show, The Muppet Show, The Bob Newhart Show, Taxi, The Odd Couple.
Dear Old Hollywood