Beth profile picture


Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.---Mark Twain

About Me

You Belong in Paris
You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe. What European City Do You Belong In? you belong in paris.....again!!!
You Belong in Paris
Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth. What City Do You Belong In? Champagne??
You Are Champagne
A true mystery, no one can quite figure you out...
That is, until you start drinking. Then you tend to let loose.
You're fun to drink with, but it definitely takes you a few drinks to loosen up.
You prefer to date a man who likes the finer things in life... like a five star dinner with that champagne. What Alcoholic Drink Are You? FRENCH KISS OOH LA LA I heart leaping anicechat

My Interests

Please remember that Maddie McCAnn is still missing..Keep her in your prayers.

vincent valentine

I'd like to meet:

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black and white movies from the 30's and 40's. when the big studios ran things. They had the time and patience and the money to produce some of the best pictures ever made. anything with Carole Lombard.. whom i adore.. Gary Cooper.... The Marx brothers...
in memory dang


Growing up in the 60's had it's rewards. There were a lot of wonderful shows on TV to watch. Lots of Sci-fi and cool adventurous stuff..which really shaped a lot of the way i view the world..
now that's scary.
Some of these great shows were: THE TIME TUNNEL,lAND OF THE GIANTS,lOST IN SPACE,TWILIGHT ZONE, and some british imports,,,,UFO, THE PRISONER, THE INVADERS..along with some fun westerns: THE WILD WILD WEST and ALIAS SMITH AND JONES. I was a huge MOONLIGHTING had some of the best dialogue ever written..Cybil and guys need to kiss and make-up..


the most rare, fragile, strong, different, artistic,truely kind woman i ever met.
- Get Your Own
06/10/1926 to 01/30/2007

My Blog

My life, on 9/11/01

as i sit here, composing my thoughts..all i can think of is gosh, what a beautiful day it was.... the sky was a radiant, sapphire a star sapphire glistening in the just sparkled. ...
Posted by Beth on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 06:03:00 PST

one month

  .. content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3086" name=GENERATOR>  One month ago today, little Madeleine McCann was snatched from her bed.   And we have yet to know what happened to her.  ...
Posted by Beth on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 11:40:00 PST

life is a gift

  .. content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3020" name=GENERATOR> Life is a Gift ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> ..>   There was a blind girl who ha...
Posted by Beth on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 04:26:00 PST

dear mum

  .. content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3020" name=GENERATOR> .. CMS:29be3023-326a-4472-b34d-a9cb8ad7be06:20061115.1 -->.. CMS Placement ID = "" -->.. End CMS Content --> ..> ...
Posted by Beth on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 01:25:00 PST