unitarian,universalist,Charleston, West Viginia, WV, religion,humanist studies,wiccan,earth centered religions,pagan,native american,atheist, agnostic, buddhist,christian, world religions, meditation, prayer,spirituality,science,performing arts, visual arts, sculpture, small groups, nature,sustainable living, greenpeace, camping, potlucks, gardening, world events, social justice, rational thinking, fair trade,vegetarianism, veganism, natural living, bycyling,yoga,martial arts,evolution, World Peace,
If you are looking for a supportive religious community for worship, discussion, and friendship? If you are looking for a church that encourages personal spiritual growth and social justice? If so, then we are looking for you as much as you are looking for us! Welcome! ............................................................ ..........................................................If you are a local or national artist/musician/band that supports spiritual and social justice, and seek a place to hang your painting or play a tune; we maybe the venue for you. UUC has a monthly art exhibit and hosts music concerts featuring all musical genres. ............................................................ ..........................................................In troduction to Unitarian Universalism: :
hey we like music !!! We sing songs(hymns)every Sunday. Sometimes we have 'special music' in our services, provided by guest musicians :Julie Adams from the Mountain Stage Band, Colleen Anderson, Montani Music Ensemble,Barrelhouse Bonni, Casi*, Bob Webb and Heidi Mueller, Shayar and Krooshal Force,Martyrannys Collective Pulse and Concordia. Outside of Services we have the occasional concert. National www.riotfolk.org artists Shannon Murray and Evan Greer have played on seperate occassions. Solstice Fair/Balls have featured local artists, t.Paige Dalporto, Douglas Imbrogno, Casi*, Andy Park from the Voodoo Cats, SLATE DUMP, M.C.P, Paul Epstein, wild drum circles, Comedy from Marcya Twyman and Michele Harper,Belly Dancing from Razi from The Gypsy Kings of Rock, Poetry from various poets etc. We helped bring Holly Near to Charleston. Other Concerts have featured dulcimer player, Butch Ross, labor Activist, Anne Feeney. The Montclaire String Quartet and Mountain Thyme have performed.
Films promoting social justice and Spiritual inquiry. Recent showings of 'Who Killed the Electric Car', 'An Inconveniant Truth', 'Black Diamonds'and 'The Secret'. Compassionate living, ethical treatment of animal films, 'Cow at the Table' and 'The Witness'.
We like to read. Check out UU authors, Charles Dickens, Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury,Beatrix Potter, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau. For Inspiration and insight:Walt Whitman,Black Elk, Rabindranath Tagore,Thich Nhat Hanh,Kahil Gibran,Joseph Campbell, Diarmuid O Murchu, Richard Dawkins, The Jefferson Bible, Starhawk, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn. Magazines: UU World, Mother Jones
Susan B. Anthony, Tim Berners Lee, Emma Goldman, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus, Bono, St Francis of Assisi,Dalai Lama, Paul Robeson, Charles Darwin, Mother Jones, Martin Luther King,Zach Warren, Mother Teresa,