Since 1919, we have been the leading voice of America’s national parks. Our mission is to protect and enhanceAmerica’s National Park System for present and future generations. We believe that America's national parks and historicsites embody the American spirit. They are windows to our past, homes to some of our rarest plants and animal species, andplaces where every American can go to find inspiration, peace, and open space.
NPCA plays a crucial role in ensuring that these special places are protected in perpetuity:
We advocate for the national parks and the National Park Service;
We educate decision-makers and the public about the importance of preserving the national parks;
We help to convince members of Congress to uphold the laws that protect the parks and to support new legislation toaddress threats to the parks;
We use the courts to fight attempts to weaken park protection laws;
And we assess the health of the parks and park management to better inform our advocacy work.
We are motivated by our commitment to our mission. Our dynamic teams have the right people in the right jobs whocreatively pursue ways to protect and enhance the National Park System. We believe in being accountable to each other and thepublic in the excellence of our work. We recognize that we are most effective when we celebrate and encourage participationfrom a diversity of cultural backgrounds, community traditions, and political perspectives.
And we couldn’t do it without you. NPCA represents more than 300,000 members throughout the country, whose help iscritical in protecting our national parks.
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