HEY! IF YOU'D LIKE TO HEAR MY MUSIC, VISIT http://www.myspace.com/markprindlemusic If not, stay here.
I have a web site at www.markprindle.com that features billions of asinine 'record reviews' and interviews with punk rock legends, etc. You can add your own comments, and I'll POST them! WOW!!!
So why not visit www.markprindle.com in life today? That's my motto. I'm known worldwide as the "Asshole of Music Thingy." No I'm not. I made that up just now.
Also, my wife and I are First Degree Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do. So DON'T FUCK WITH US.
(unless you're big. Or, alternately, strong)
Also, Henry The Dog is the best animal companion in the world.