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Helios Creed

Im a train conductor trapped in a rockstars body

About Me

I am a train conductor, trapped in a spiders body struggling to get out. I like finding strange guitar tones, recording under water, and exposing little speakers to 200 watts rms, while listening to the strange sounds the speaker makes as its melting and burning up. I am into recordings that calls for two telephones and two cheap recorders. I love old school punk rock, I was into being a punk rocker and went to all the punk rock shows back in the day. I wanted to make a punk Rock band. But I'm also into the psychedelic culture, psychedelics from mushrooms to good LSD. So I came up with the Idea acid punk. In those days those two things didn't mix. Punks hated Hippy's and hippy's did acid and smoked pot, punks drank a lot of beer and I mean a lot of beer. People say the psychedelic thing died long ago. No not true, it just went underground, and hasn't been in the lime lite in along time, Probably since the 60's. I have been making albums since 76. My partner was Damon Edge R.I.P. Together we made a band called Chrome. Alien soundtracks was recorded in a living room on a four track. It wasn't soft rock from the 70's. It was Harsh and loud. To me, the worlds first acid punk album. We started our own record company called siren records, because the majors wouldn't have anything to do with us. We sent them a copy of Alien soundtracks and they replied. We regret to inform you that your music is worse than bad Doors Charles Manson music. So we did the only thing we could. We used that letter from Atlantic records to make our adds, and gathered all our money together and made adds for cream NME village voice and a few other cool mags. Needless to say our friends and families thought we were out of our minds. We were endlessly told our album sucks and we are just throwing our money away. I even got punched out by some stupid jocks, I thought were friends when I played our record for them. I was depressed, Thinking we made a big mistake, putting all our eggs in one basket. We got a few in a couple of local record stores on consignment. And found one small company that kinda liked the record, to distribute our record. Well when those adds came out, all of a sudden our sick sucky little record was selling like hot cakes. I was driving a big station wagon filled with albums twice a week to the airport, sending them to be distributed all over the world. We couldn't keep up with the Orders or pressings to fill the demand, everything was like a dream come true. It was so cool to see our records in record store windows. I was flabbergasted. And It really felt good to see our friends eat they're words. With the money we made off that record, we made an album called "Half machine lip moves". John and Hilary stench became our drummer and bass player. I love those guys. They are the best players ever. I'll never forget how cool it was to play with them at the Bolonia fest in Italy. That was Damon's and my very first Chrome show, and we were the headliner band. It was in front of thousands of people. Man those were the days. I had to get stinking drunk because I was scared shitless, to play in front of all those people. This is funny to think about. Trent and Al were just little kids then, and I like some nine inch nails stuff, and really dig a lot of old Ministry. Getting back to the story. Well Back then around 77-78 We hired this nice girl to help out and be a secretary for siren rec. Damon said, She eats at burger king all the time and has these big hard poops, and every time she uses my toilet she stops it up. I said "you need an industrial strength toilet. He said thats It. I said thats what? thats what we should call our music. Industrial strength music, I said, your on it man, thats it Industrial, like throbbing gristle and Backwards black Man hole. We were all sick of being Labeled to. And because we hated being called new wave. we did a lot of radio interviews in those days, and the dj would ask, What do you call your music. So we started calling it acid punk or industrial strength music. The dj said" there you have it people Industrial rock for the masses. We started being called "industrial" or industrial punk. Now I think Its funny because Nine inch nails and ministry are the "kings" of industrial , And for me, It all started as a big crap that stopped up a toilet. And the Industrial goth scene is so serious and "cool" It was just a joke people. A POOP POO joke. haha I'm not knocking stuff, I just think Its funny. I'm not saying we started it, just a part of it. The rest is history. Man I could get into a hot goth chic rite now. Oh haha Its just Egor talking, thats what I named my, well you know what I mean,hehe. Well Back to the story Later on I had a similar experience with my solo work in the mid 80's, and a nice solo hay day in the early 90's. And of coarse I heard those doubting Toms once again saying "solo artists from punk bands never make it" I heard that a whole lot in the early years of my solo thing . Then I made the last laugh, on amphetamine reptile records. That was around the time where my solo thing really started to take off. We toured forever it seems like, as Helios Creed. Europe and the U.S.A. There are some Helios fans that know very little to nothing about Chrome. And also there are Chrome fans that know very little about the solo thing, and could care less. Mark Duran was a long time bass player in my solo band. And a good friend as well. He stuck with It for many years. And Paul Delle Pella Also a best friend, my Drummer who I think is the best drummer in the world, well to me. He put in a lot of years in to it him self. The solo thing was a bitch though. It always felt like we were pushing a boulder up hill, unlike the Chrome thing that just took off on its own. But It started to take off in the late 80's early 90's, and I've been making an album about once a year since then, and actually since 76. I'm working on an album right now matter of fact. I'll probably make albums until I fall over and turn to dust. Things have been picking up a bit, but nothing like the early days. Kids are like 90% of the record buying public, and they're pretty much into, what are they into rap rock, you know that kinda thing. Now I'm not going to knock any of that stuff. I like body count. I guess that stuff is old school now. You know, I think I could safely say I have no idea whats happening in the music industry these days? I hope Its space rock though, I haven't even mentioned anything about space rock yet. SPACE ROCK! One band comes to mind, Nick Turner's and Dave Brocks Hawkwind But . well Industrial? went to Trent R, of nine inch nails. And the zany funny scary stuff Like Chrome use to do. People pretty much gave it all to the Butthole surfers, But!I love those guys .You know, Evey one has been inspired by Somebody or something "the OTHERS" . I think because chrome never played that much or toured, Damon Had Agoraphobia problems Yeah Chrome had a lot of inside problems, I won't go into now, but thats some of the reasons I started my solo thing. And the butts toured endlessly and they are a great band. At least they tell me Chrome and I had been a big influence on them. And they are very good friends of mine. I dig the Butts. So things are not flying like in the past. I guess that makes me old school, Oh well then so be it. I'm happy with what I put out into the world. Will the Kids get into H.C. or Chrome. Who knows. But I always have hope that people take a look at what we have done through out the years. Will it happen to me again? for the third time?. will you little fuckers ever get into my music again? All I could say is, I sure hope so. Three is my lucky number. Hey I could kinda take Jerry's place of "the Greatful dead". Because our music is Way more psychedelic hehe. Its made for psychedelics. Come on people loosen up, It was just a joke. No I could never take Jerry's place, I'm not a mellow hippy type anyway hehe. And Because this isn't about Hippy's punks middle class rich poor male or female, Why do I stick it out? Why don't i just hang it up, Its not easy to keep it going. The Big money is long gone. But Its not just about money or the music. To me Its about freedom. Do we know what real freedom is? So many of us feel Imprisoned, stuck, Isolated, frustrated, stagnated and angry. We are feeling the need for change. We have all heard it, change must come from within. I believe that to be true. Open your minds and show me the real shaman's, High shaman priests and priestesses, real holy men and women, white witches, High priests from a Timeless order, a timeless reality. Thats really who you are, And tune into the Great spirit, Just like the native Americans did for hundreds maybe thousands of years, come back to your self. Timothy Leary said "turn on tune in and drop out" Of this stupid B.S. society, Where all the greedy mo fo's Don't care if we are slaves to the Almighty dollar, and build bullshit strip malls all over our beautiful planet. Its funny I see more gas station short stop type places being built,.Why? I thought we were going to get green, Bullshit, They don't give a damn about this planet. We know fossil fuel Is destroying our planet. And this green b.s.is going to save the planet. Yeah right. way to little and to late.. They just want the money. They don't care about you or me. Join me and my sons and build a new city of light, The city is inside of you. Lets leave these mo fo's to screw them selves. I know what your thinking, H is a one bitter mo fo. I guess I am. I've been screwed over a little bit to much I guess. A lot of you been screwed over though, and I'm afraid this is just the tip of the ice berg. And real justice? Maybe we should just forget about that for now, and chalk it up as just another experience. Maybe you wont feel as bitter if you think like that. Well thats me. the things I think about the things and places I've been. I feel blessed. I don't know very many people thats had a life like mine. more stuff. OK, I've left my body and didn't want to come back. I've had many U.F.O. sightings,. oh my mother thought i was making all that stuff up. We were walking down the street together one day, and a cigar shaped U.F.O. was right over head. It was huge. My mother looked up and her jaw just dropped. It was a cigar shaped silver huge ass thing. even I never seen anything like it. I said see Mom, I'm not making this stuff up. hehe She was talking about it for day, until she was getting that yeah, right look. well there you go, thats me and my wacky experiences. And all these things are just the tip of the Ice burg about me and my very strange life. Love peace and harmony to you all my friends...

My Interests

Model railroading, beautiful guitars, live rock shows, a loving woman, a nice bong, boogie boarding in Hawaii, and YOU!

I'd like to meet:

People that are real. Oh and friendly beings from other planets?


Jimi Hendrix, Joplin, sex pistols, Nick Turner, Farflung, Kraftwurk, cramps, James Brown, Alice Cooper, Acid mothers temple, Stooges, Babes in toyland, jimmy page, Nina Hagen, Throbbing gristle, L7, Berlin, the cure, the clash, Henry cow, Steve Fisk, Mud honey, Sisters of mercy, skinny puppy, Foetus, Wiseblood, Sun ra, Brian Eno, Velvet underground, Negative trend, the germs, The Weirdos, Black flag, the dicks, Bob Dylan, the circle jerks, Rocky Erickson, Syd Barret, Angry Samoans, The Ramones, Donovan, Shawn Phillips, Kinks, Santana, Butthole surfers, Gibby man of many talents, Paul Leary Guitar God, Elvis, Bo Didly, Jeff Pincus Bass God, John Lennon, the monkeys, Jeff beck, Snake finger, The Residence, John Lee Hooker, Iron butterfly, Honky, pee, grand funk railroad, Dead can dance, Devo, David Bowie, Sex pistols, The Beatles, Nick Cave, The Stranglers, wire, Bad Brains, Jethro Tull, Fire Hose, Dead Kennedy's, Mike watt, Cream, Melvin's, Iggy Pop, Hawkwind, Can, Pink Floyd, Canned Heat, Surgery, Greg Ginn, The cows, The God bullies, Big black, Public enemy, gong, Jimmy page, bong water, Roxy music, Beat Nigs, the circle jerks legendary pink dots, Halo of flies, the cells, 13th floor elevator, The damned, Santana, Half machine lip moves, Bo didly, st37, Black Sabbath, Sweat hog, Acid punk, Jerry lee lewis, George Clinton, Elvis, Frank Zappa, Funkedelic, Johnny Cash, Willy nelson, Old school punk bands, Nirvana, Crime, Z Sylver, Flipper, Parliment, House coat project, Jams Brown, Old fleetwood mack, King Crimson, George, Mega Death, cat butt, Factrix, And much much more


all the Bogart movies, The angry red planet,


advertising cartoons tcm learning and discovery channel, as a kid--- Mighty mouse, Casper the friendly ghost, engineer bill, yogi bear,


to serve man, snow bound, Time machine, The impersonal life, I've read a ton of books I'll get back to this one in time


Hendrix, Fripp, Snake finger, Jimmy page ,Iggy pop, My Mom'r.i.p., and my Dad r.i.p., both brothers Bobby r.i.p and Johnny, r.i.p. All three of my kids Alex Eric and Rose, Mother Shipton, Mother Mary, last but not least JOPLIN

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Check out the video Uncle Goddamm - you'll laugh your arse off!
Posted by Helios Creed on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST