Been there done that...
I appreciate and enjoy all music genre's, but prefer to listen to Jazz, Hip-Hop, Reggae and good ole Rhythm and Blues.I give mad luv to Ms. BEYONCE Knowles/she is talented and hella sexy...I consider her to be one of the sexiest independent women on planet earth! Not only sexy, but very classy about it and carries herself respectfully; very much of a young-lady, yet all woman indeed. I believe she is a wonderful role-model for young girls and there are some grown women out there that could learn a few things by following her lead...she's ahead of most. Not only is she respectful to others, but she respects herself most importantly and very successful! 100% WOMAN. Those who hate won't appreciate.
I honestly don't have time to watch television. However, I do make it a point to watch a movie on Sundays whether it be a DVD or going to the theatre. I prefer reading if I get any extra down-time for myself opposed to watching T.V., it's a waist of time to me.
Mastering the Art of Selling by Tom Hopkins; Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki; How to Retire Early and Live Well by Gillette Edmunds; The World's Most Powerful Leadership Principle by James C. Hunter. The Millionaire Mentor by Greg S. Reid; Don't Sweat The Small Stuff by Richard Carlson. YES...All about business $$!!
First and foremost my Husband...he is a great inspiration to me and more of a man than most! This man can move MOUNTAINS --- he makes things happen! I have the utmost respect for him.I also give props to grandma Estelle because she keeps her game tight!! Occupation: NONE, because she doesn't need one..LOL! Last, but not least my daughter "Deeva" she is a true reflection of beauty inside and out and already understands the concept of being independent & confident knowing who she is, where she comes from and as young as she is; she truly Knows a woman's worth!..