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Edit video .. at onetruemedia.comDON'T TALK ABOUT IT.....BE ABOUT IT!!!!!" I am a Registered Dental Hygienist. I set out to become a Hygienist years ago and with patience, perserverance, and plenty of praying, I was able to accomplish my dreams/goals! You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. I am a living proof of that:) It also helps to have an awesome support system, also known as your FAMILY! Life is great, I can't complain. It's all about making things go right, and I have managed to do the right things!!! I am settling into the new house....Exciting, but lots of work. I have so much crap...I must admit, I am a pack rat and it's hard for me to let go of certain things....Okay, so I exaggerate....LOTS n LOTS of THINGS:) It feels really strange to not have a paper to write or a test to study for....I'm cool like that.....I chill like that....Enough about me....It's all about you.....