PeleBoY was born a Gemini on May 29, 1987 in Southfield, MI. He is half Chaldean and half Italian. As he grew up PeleBoy always pictured himself on TV, and would often tell his mom he wants to be an actor when he grows up. As he reached high school, he went through a number of jobs from Silvia’s Salon, owned by his parents, to pizza places and restaurants. Pele.. also took acting classes and tried out when NYC Fame came to town. He worked with one agent in Michigan, but didn’t get too much done with work and school in the way. In high school he started rapping with his good friend ToNe. As they worked on new songs and got better they started doing shows, clubs and parties in Michigan. By the time Pele.. was done with high school he was working on his first album along with ToNe. He was ready to start at Wayne State University taking acting classes, but decided to go to Hollywood, California along with his friend to attend the Los Angeles Recording School. There he would be able to achieve his goals in making it big in the entertainment business. In October 2005 the first album by ToNe and PeleBoY titled Partners in Crime was released, with good continuous sales in Michigan along with other states. PeleBoY also put out a mixtape titled the TOXIC MIXTAPE, & is working on another MIXTAPE hosted by Black Wallstreet Dj, Dj Espee. PeleBoY is currently attending the Van Mar Academy in Hollywood for acting, while he continues to perform and get his name out, he is also working on a new album. At age 20 Peleboy has gotten far, and is continuing to work with music and acting until he makes it big in the entertainment business.
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