Photography, cinema (new and old), drive in theaters, travel, art, music, gardening, scuba diving, sitting by a hot fireplace, computers , animals, cultures, languages, art and clothing from the 1930’s, rock concerts, cooking great food, collecting heart shaped shells from every island we explore
Those who also have interest in digital editing and photography. I am always looking to meet other people who have put their words to action. What does that mean? If you say it, then mean it, and do it. When I was younger I traveled with the A.N.G to Honduras with the support of Doctors Without Boarders and the Lions Club. This program supports the communities that can not be reached by medical professionals. I have great admiration for anyone who gives of themselves. Today, volunterring is second nature. I get a great feeling of accomplishment when I am compassionately helping others. The greatest gift my parents gave me was a since of empathy for others less fortunate then myself.I would also like to meet former Vice President Al Gore to thank him personally for making the film, An Inconvenient Truth. Visit http://www.climatecrisis.netAlso I have high hope that he might consider entering the bid for the White House....
Nickelback Lyrics
..I listen to everything, but old country western and ganster rap.
How you live your life determines what kind of life you will have....
What you put out into the world comes back to you.
Our Home away from Home ==St John USVI
Soon to make New Mexico my new HOME! No more crazy traffic ( ok I have been told you all have traffic as well but we just have grid lock or dead stop these days in Chicago), no more 20 inches of snow . . . .in 1 day, no more vibrating cars going by our house. I welcome floor heating, mild winters, cooler summers, mountains, privacy, fresh air, friendly neighbors and a real quality of life. I AM READY!
Better Weather click here!
Burning Man